Illinois has made progress when it comes to the positive impacts made by Dual Credit courses. Demand for students continues to rise, and many districts across the state are seeing the benefits of forging strong partnerships with community colleges and local employers.
To help foster those partnerships and get a better understanding of what folks think about Dual Credit courses, we decided to ask them. Together with our partner organizations, we surveyed students, parents, educators, administrators, and professionals in the secondary and postsecondary fields to get their thoughts.
Over 1,000 individuals responded, giving us clear insight into the opinions of folks directly involved with Dual Credit. We learned a lot, and that information will help inform our advocacy for better policies moving forward.
- 97% of student respondents said they benefitted from participating in Dual Credit
- 73% of postsecondary respondents believe that colleges benefit from offering Dual Credit
- 83% of respondents said that Dual Credit courses are high quality and rigorous
One secondary faculty member said that, “[Dual Credit is] a win win! Students are challenged yet the amount of credit hours received are not based on one test like AP courses so if a student works hard and displays throughout the semester they are learning, they are rewarded.”
A parent of a Dual Credit student added, “My son has the opportunity to dive into Engineering before he gets into college. This is invaluable!”
You can see more input like this in our Survey Briefs. They provide data and feedback from the Dual Credit community, as well as suggestions for improving Dual Credit programs in classrooms across Illinois.
We hope you’ll dive into the results and learn how all of us can continue building on the progress we’ve made for improving Dual Credit outcomes.
Get the full details in the survey briefs: