Early Literacy

Early Literacy

About Literacy

Here in Illinois, we have an urgent literacy crisis. There is a solution: evidence-based literacy instruction.

For Illinois, the hard truth is that about 40% of our students read below a ā€˜basicā€™ level. It starts early: students who do not read well by the end of third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school and six times more likely to drop out of high school if they are from a low-income family. Aside from the academic consequences, struggling readers are also far more likely to end up in the criminal justice system: over 60% of prison inmates and 85% of juveniles in the court system are struggling readers.

This is a systemic problem. Its roots are at the top, with flawed curriculum being heavily marketed and selected at the district level.

two elementary school students reading

To improve reading outcomes, we need to improve reading instruction in the classroom. Educators across the state support our childrenā€™s literacy, but systemic failures in teacher education programs and curriculum development companies have deprived teachers of the knowledge, professional development, and tools that enable them to teach evidence-based literacy instruction.

Dedicated advocates ā€” parents, teachers, school psychologists, legal advocates, civil rights activists, and school administrators ā€” have seen the impact of inadequate early literacy instruction and are working to change it. This diverse group of individuals and organizations want to improve public policy and funding so that all students have access to evidence-based literacy instruction and teachers have the support and preparation they deserve. The Illinois Early Literacy Coalition provides an opportunity for everyday people to network with other literacy advocates and collaborate to improve literacy policy.

Stand and the Coalition supported the Literacy & Justice for All legislative package to fix the stateā€™s literacy crisis and help  ensure students have equitable access to evidence-based literacy instruction and educators get the support and professional development opportunities they deserve. As a result, the State Board of Education has adopted Illinoisā€™s first ever Comprehensive Literacy Plan. This is a first stepā€“the Coalition continues fighting for funding and policies for strong implementation. 

Our Vision

Where We’ve Been

  • Literacy & Justice for All Act passed in 2023
  • Comprehensive Literacy Plan finalized in 2024
  • $3 million appropriated for literacy in FY25

Where We’re GOing

  • Fight for state-funded regional literacy coaching hubs
  • Require ISBE-approved professional development providers
  • to align with the literacy plan
  • Support development of impactful tools and educator prep
  • programs to support the literacy plan

How to Plug In

Illinois Early Literacy Coalition

Join the Coalition

black girl sitting in her doorway while on her laptop

What has your experience been with literacy education in Illinois? Whether you’re a parent, educator, student, or community member, we want to hear from you!

hands typing on a laptop

If you don’t want to share your story via video just yet, we understand! You can opt to share via a written submission.

Additional Resources