Local School Councils in Chicago
There are 59 Illinois State Senators. There are 118 Illinois State Representatives. There are over 4,000 elected local school council seats in Chicago, making it one of the largest (maybe the largest) body of elected officials in the country.
LSCs are somewhat like mini-elected school boards. Almost every public school in Chicago has one. LSCs have 12 or 13 total seats (depending on if the school is elementary or high school). Parents and residents are eligible to vote for eight of the seats on their local LSCs, and CPS appoints the rest. LSCs make critical policy decisions:
- Approving the school based academic plan, or Continuous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP);
- Approving the alignment of budgetary resources to the CIWP;
- Engaging in the annual evaluation of the contract principal’s professional practices; and
- Selecting or renewing contract principals.
There are many opportunities to stand for children when it comes to LSCs. Offer your help to your neighborhood LSC. Vote in the LSC elections (you do not have to be a registered voter but there are other eligibility rules). Consider running for a seat on the LSC.
Chicago Public Schools provides support and technical assistance to LSCs. Call the CPS LSC office at 773-553-1400.