Our Stories
Stand for Children Illinois Calls on State Leaders to Hold up Their End of the Bargain in New Federal Every Student Succeeds Act –Civil Rights bill hasn’t been reauthorized since 2001– Chicago, IL–Stand for Children Illinois Executive Director Mimi Rodman issued the following statement following President Obama signing the much-anticipated Every Student Succeeds Act, legislation […]
Today, the Illinois State Board of Education announced the preliminary statewide results of PARCC, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. The new state assessment measures whether students are learning the math and English Language Arts skills they will need to prepare them for college and career success. Preparing students to succeed […]
Governor Bruce Rauner and the leaders of the Illinois House and Senate have enacted HB3763, the new state education budget. While the state is still falling short of fully funding our schools, this budget is still an improvement, funding general state aid to school districts at 92 percent as compared with the 87 percent this […]