Chicago School Board Candidates Share Their Positions on the Issues

The School Board Voter Education Initiative. Light blue text with four, six-pointed red stars. The V in voter is fashioned as a check mark through a red box.


October 4, 2024


A Collective of Chicagoland Advocacy Organizations Conducted a Survey to Help Voters Get to Know Their School Board Candidates

(Chicago) – The School Board Voter Education Initiative, a group of parent, educator, and community organizations committed to increasing voter awareness of the upcoming school board election, conducted a survey of Chicago School Board candidates to get their perspective on the issues and share unbiased information about them to their constituents.

This November marks the first time Chicago will be able to vote for its school board members. Despite this being a historic moment for the city, a Joyce Foundation Poll found that only 36% of Chicagoans are aware of the upcoming school board election. “This is the first time voters will elect a CPS school board member, which is a tremendously exciting opportunity,” said Natasha Dunn, a Chicago parent and Digital Organizing Manager with Stand for Children. “It also means there is not as much awareness about this opportunity as other offices.” In response to the lack of awareness, nine advocacy organizations came together to make sure voters are as informed as possible about their candidates, thus creating The School Board Voter Education Initiative. 

The Initiative developed an extensive survey that asked candidates from each district to share their position on topics like the budget, busing, and equity. The survey questions were curated by parents, students, teachers, and community members who shared what they most wanted to know from their school board candidates.

Voters can explore the survey results and see how their candidates responded by visiting “We hope this tool will be helpful to our neighbors as they prepare to cast their votes,” said Dunn. The new elected school board will allow Chicagoans to have a greater voice in public education, and this survey gives them the opportunity to make an informed decision on who they want to represent their vision for the future of education in Chicago Public Schools.


The School Board Voter Education Initiative is a group of parent, educator, and community organizations committed to increasing voter awareness of the upcoming school board election and sharing unbiased information about the candidates on their ballot.

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