Great news: Amendment 80 was rejected by Colorado voters. Disguised as a measure seeking to protect school choice in the state constitution, which Colorado families already have, Amendment 80 would have taken a permanent first step toward creating a voucher system, which would use taxpayer dollars to bankroll elite private school tuition.  

“Our schools need more teachers, smaller classrooms, and resources for critical programs like mental health services, early literacy support, and workplace readiness, but Amendment 80 would have achieved the opposite,” said Stand for Children Executive Director Krista Spurgin. “We are thrilled to see Colorado voters reject this misleading measure because it is the last thing our children need. We need to stay focused on supporting schools that are open to all students, accountable to taxpayers, and preparing kids with the skills they need to succeed.”

“As a parent and a teacher, the education of my children and students is one of my top priorities, and Amendment 80 puts that at risk,” said Alysia Bellamy, a parent and educator in Pueblo. “I am a strong supporter of school choice, but Amendment 80 was not about school choice, which Colorado parents already have. It was a dangerous move toward vouchers which would have diverted money away from the public schools that are serving the majority of our kids. I am glad Amendment 80 was rejected by voters. Now we can return our focus to better supporting our public schools and teachers.”

Voucher programs divert critical resources from already-underfunded public schools and funnel them to unaccountable private schools that do not have to meet state education standards, or even teach scientifically sound curriculum. Often, vouchers primarily benefit families that can already afford private school tuition and may not address the needs of disadvantaged students.  

We thank everyone for their work getting out the vote to ensure we protected our already underfunded schools from this deceitful effort to open the door to public school funding being sent to private schools. 

We cannot allow funding for public schools to be sent to private schools. Disguised as a measure seeking to protect school choice in the state constitution, which Colorado families already have, Amendment 80 takes a permanent first step towards creating a voucher system, which would use taxpayer dollars to bankroll elite private school tuition.  

Voucher programs divert critical resources from already-underfunded public schools and funnel them to unaccountable private schools that do not have to meet state education standards, or even teach scientifically sound curriculum. Often, vouchers primarily benefit families that can already afford private school tuition and may not address the needs of disadvantaged students.  Together, we can protect our already underfunded schools from this deceitful effort to open the door to public school funding being sent to private schools. 

If you’ve already voted, please use this toolkit to ask your friends and neighbors to vote no on Amendment 80.

There are several bonds on ballots in school districts across Colorado, but what is a bond and what does it mean for education and our communities? Let’s dive in! 

What is a bond?  

A bond is essentially a loan that investors provide to an organization, such as a government or a corporation, with the promise of being paid back over time with interest. Here’s how it works in the context of public education: 

Bonds in Public Education: 

When a school district, like Denver Public Schools (DPS), needs to fund large projects—such as building new schools, renovating existing ones, or upgrading technology—they might not have the cash on hand to cover these costs. Instead, they can issue bonds. 

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process: 

  1. Issuing the Bond: The school district proposes a bond, outlining how much money they need to borrow and what it will be used for. This proposal is usually put to a vote by the public. 
  1. Public Approval: If voters approve the bond, the school district is authorized to borrow the money by selling bonds to investors. These investors could be individuals, businesses, or financial institutions. 
  1. Paying Back the Bond: Over time, usually 10 to 30 years, the school district repays the borrowed money to the bondholders with interest. This repayment is typically funded through property taxes, which may be adjusted to cover the cost. 

We believe that a strong, well-supported public education system is the foundation of a healthy, thriving community so we are proud to endorse the 2024 Denver Public Schools (DPS) Bond—an investment in the future of our children and our city.  

If you are a Denver resident, you will see the DPS Bond on your ballot and we encourage you to vote YES on the DPS Bond. Bonds are not new to Denver Public Schools. The district has had 7 bonds (including this year’s) proposed on the ballot for voters to decide on whether to pass it or not.  

What is the 2024 DPS Bond? 

The 2024 DPS Bond is a $975 million proposal aimed at addressing critical needs within Denver Public Schools. These funds are earmarked for significant improvements across the district, including the renovation and modernization of aging school buildings, providing quality learning environments, and the enhancement of safety and security measures in schools. You can read more about what the bond will fund specifically here.  

According to Denver Public Schools, the Bond will invest in the following key areas: 

  1. Modernizing School Facilities: Many DPS schools are outdated and in dire need of repair. The bond will provide the necessary funding to renovate and modernize these facilities, ensuring that students have access to safe, comfortable, and conducive learning environments. 
  1. Enhancing Safety and Security: The safety of our students is paramount. The bond includes provisions for improving security systems in schools, ensuring that all students and staff can learn and work in a secure environment. 
  1. Investing in Technology: In today’s digital age, access to modern technology is essential for student success. The bond will fund the purchase of new technology and infrastructure upgrades, helping to bridge the digital divide and ensure all students have the tools they need to succeed. 

At Stand for Children Colorado, we recognize that the quality of our schools directly impacts the success of our students. By endorsing the 2024 DPS Bond, we are advocating for a measure that will provide critical resources to schools, allowing them to better serve our children and prepare them for future success. 

What Can You Do? 

We urge you to learn more about the 2024 DPS Bond, talk with your friends and neighbors about it, and most importantly, vote in support of the bond this November. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of our children and the future of Denver. 

Election day isn’t until Tuesday, November 5th, but your inbox, mailbox and social media is probably starting to be filled with information about candidates and initiatives. With that in mind, we are sharing that Stand for Children endorses the Denver Public Schools Bond and opposes Amendment 80.   

Vote No: Amendment 80 

Amendment 80 would amend the Colorado Constitution to include the right to school choice. School choice is already protected by Colorado law.  Colorado families have exercised school choice for decades and there are no threats to their ability to continue, so this constitutional amendment is unnecessary.  It is a deceitful and misguided effort to open the door to harm our students with vouchers that WILL take money away from our already underfunded schools.  Colorado ranks in the bottom half of states for school funding, and vouchers will only exacerbate inequity and student outcomes.   

More Reading:  

Vote Yes: DPS Bond 

The $975 million bond for Denver Public Schools would not require a tax increase for Denver property owners and would include investments for schools including air conditioning and safety upgrades, construction and other capital improvements for Denver schools, and investments in technology and career and technical education and STEAM spaces. You can read about the specific projects that would be funded here.  

More reading:  

We will be sharing more information about these measures, but in the meantime, it’s a great time to make sure your voter registration is up-to-date! Here’s where you can get the latest information about your voter eligibility and ballot drop off and polling locations. 

It may not feel like election season, but in 20 days we will decide who will be on our ballots this fall. 

June 25th is Colorado’s primary election for candidates running for federal, state, and local office. This is your opportunity to ensure someone that aligns with your values and vision for our state and community is on the ballot in November. 

Your ballot is probably in your mailbox or sitting on your kitchen counter, so as you sit down to fill it out, we’ve compiled some resources to help. 


  • Visit candidate websites, check out their social media, and run some internet searches of their name to see recent news coverage. 
  • Check out a Voter Guide. Here’s one from Colorado Public Radio. 
  • Pull information from organizations you trust to see who they have endorsed. 
  • If you don’t have your ballot yet, use this website to pull a sample ballot for your address.   


Here’s where you can find locations to drop off your ballot. Just be sure you drop it off by 7pm, June 25th. If you mail it, be sure to send it by June 20th. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.

En nuestro hermoso estado de Colorado, la educación siempre ha sido una prioridad importante para Stand, los legisladores y, lo que es más importante, las familias de Colorado y su futuro. Somos firmes respaldadores de la Proposición II porque prioriza la educación y el futuro de nuestros hijos. 

Es importante tener en cuenta que la Propuesta II es una extensión de la Propuesta EE bipartidista de 2020. La Propuesta EE generó más ingresos de los estimados, por lo que TABOR requiere que los votantes aprueben la retención del exceso de ingresos por parte del estado. Es por eso que es importante que usted vote SÍ a la Propuesta II. Esta medida electoral estatal nos permitió generar aproximadamente $275 millones por año para prioridades de salud pública y educación a través del aumento de impuestos sobre los productos de tabaco y nicotina. Fue una invercion en la preparación para K-12 al proporcionar acceso a preescolar para los niños de Colorado. 


¡Tener acceso a preescolar es vital para el futuro de Colorado! Los estudiantes que asisten a pre-kínder se inician en la lectura y desarrollan habilidades sociales, emocionales y habilidades en su comportamiento. Esto, a su vez, preparará a nuestros hijos para una experiencia exitosa de K-12 y los preparará para una mejor oportunidad de vida en su viaje postsecundario como adultos.    

Entendemos que cuando las familias atraviesan momentos difíciles, esto puede afectar negativamente el bienestar y la experiencia educativa de un estudiante. Por lo tanto, además de las inversiones que continuaremos viendo en nuestra educación de la primera infancia, esta propuesta continuará invirtiendo en nuestras familias al financiar viviendas, asistencia para el alquiler y asistencia para el desalojo.   

¡Estamos emocionados de respaldar la Propuesta II y esperamos que usted también lo esté con su voto en noviembre! 

Complete nuestro formulario y comprométase a votar para recibir más información sobre la Proposición II, y recordatorios a medida que nos acercamos al día de las elecciones y si cree que todos los niños de Colorado merecen la oportunidad de asistir al preescolar!

We all know that Colorado is a great place to live, and it is safe to say that Colorado has grown in population and, in turn, a surging housing market that has made our property taxes skyrocket in the last several years. That is why we are supporting PROP HH which will lower property taxes AND increase funding for schools. This tax cut will provide relief for families and put more money in our K-12 education by allowing a portion of the TABOR surplus to offset the lost property tax revenue.  

Not to mention, one of the main drivers to student outcomes is whether a child’s family is experiencing financial and home stability, therefore the relief that Prop HH would provide to families would also be benefitting our children’s experience in and out of school.  

Does it sound too good to be true? How are schools still being financed through this proposition? 

We fund education through property taxes, so it makes sense to think that we would be cutting funds to our schools through this proposition, BUT this proposition actually ensures that the funding stays and/or increases through the TABOR surplus mechanism.  

We urge you to vote yes on Proposition HH to help families across Colorado and students receive an equitable education! 

And we meet again, Denver Public Schools Board of Education elections! 

There are about 89,000 students who attend DPS schools and each one of those students and their families deserve a representative that fights for their high-quality experience and education in Denver schools.  

I attended DPS schools my entire grade school career—from Kindergarten to my 12th grade year. As a first-generation Mexican-American multilingual student, I struggled during the critical years of literacy instruction and self-identity. Obviously, learning a new language that was not spoken at home besides the random rap songs my older brother would listen to as he lived out his short-lived breakdancing career—was a definite hardship for my reading level and performance. In addition, my teachers did not look like me, did not experience a transition like the one I was in, and my heavy accent and typical trenzas hairstyle put a direct target on my back for bullying and impatience from teachers. Now, I am telling you a bit of my life story in an elections blog because I want you to know that the people who are elected ultimately have the power to change certain policies, training, and curriculum to cure unfortunate experiences such as the one mentioned above.  

It truly is important to vote so you have a say on who will be advocating for students like me and those who experience other or bigger challenges.  

So, yes. Voting is a tool for you to use to ensure we have great leaders listening to our stories and finding ways to improve or change things for future generations to come.  

Alright, enough of the sappy part of this blog—let’s talk about the who, what, and how! 

Who is currently on the DPS school board and who’s seat is up for election on November 7th? 

Currently, there are seven board members and Director Auon’tai Anderson’s At-Large, Director Scott Baldermann’s District 1, and Director Charmaine Lindsay’s District 5 seat are up for election this November! The District 1 and District 5 maps can be found here. Everyone will be able to vote for the At-large seat because it represents all of Denver.  

What are the roles and responsibilities of the DPS Board? 

DPS Board members are responsible for: 

  • Establishing a vision for the district  
  • Hiring and/or firing the superintendent  
  • Setting the yearly budget  
  • Approving contracts for teachers and outside vendors  
  • Expanding the district or closing schools 

Who is currently running for the DPS school board seats?  

Here is a list of folks running, according to their district. 

District 1 

District 5 


How can I find more information on the candidates? 

You can find more information about their beliefs, values, and visions for the DPS community on their websites (linked above).  Google their names and see if there is news coverage about them. Check out their social media accounts.  

You can attend community candidate forums. Stand is co-hosting a town hall with several other organizations (TEN, Ednium, Faith Bridge, Our Turn, African Leadership Group) with the candidates for the DPS board on October 24th from 5-7 pm at Hamilton Middle School. Please register so we know you are coming. Food and interpretation will be provided. We can also help with transportation to the event.  

How do I find out if I am registered to vote for DPS School Board elections and how do I vote? 

Here is how to find out which district you’re in and if you are registered to vote. You can also use this site to check your ballot status and find your polling location. Moved Recently? You can change your voter registration address here, too! 

If your registration is current, your ballot will be mailed to you starting October 16th and you can send your ballot back by mail or return it to one of the 24-hour ballot drop-off boxes located throughout the city. To find the nearest drop-off box visit Denver’s Clerk and Recorder website

Ballots must be received by the Denver Elections Division by 7 p.m. on Election Day, November 7, 2023. If you choose to return your ballot by mail, send it back no later than October 31.

We hope you find this blog useful for your quest on voting in this year’s DPS School Board elections! Remember that your vote holds a lot of power that can help our future generations thrive, make sure you cast it! 

In our beautiful state of Colorado, education has always been an important priority for Stand, policymakers, and most importantly Colorado families and their future. We are strong supporters of Prop II because it prioritizes our children’s education and future.

It is important to note that Prop II is an extension of the bipartisan Prop EE of 2020. Prop EE brought in more revenue than was estimated, so TABOR requires that voters approve the state’s retention of the excess revenue. This is why it is important for you to vote YES on Prop II. This statewide ballot measure allowed us to generate approximately $275 million per year for public health and education priorities through the tax increase on tobacco and nicotine products. It invested in K-12 readiness by providing access to preschool for Colorado kids


Having access to preschool is vital for Colorado’s future! Students that attend pre-k get a jump start on reading and develop critical social – emotional and behavioral skills. This will in turn prepare our children for a successful K-12 experience and set them up for a better chance at life in their post-secondary journey as adults.  

We understand that when families are going through difficult times — it can negatively impact a student’s well-being and educational experience. Therefore, in addition to the investments we will continue to see in our early childhood education, this proposition will continue to invest in our families by funding affordable housing, rental assistance, and eviction assistance.  

We are excited to be endorsing Prop II and hope you are too with your vote in November! 

Complete our Pledge to Vote form, to receive more information about Proposition II, reminders as we get closer to Election day, and if you believe all children in Colorado deserve an opportunity to attend pre-school!