Early Literacy
Reading by the end of third grade is widely acknowledged as a critical milestone for all students. It makes sense–success in later grades and other subjects all depend on a strong foundation in basic literacy skills. We are passionately committed to ensuring that every Colorado student is proficiently reading by the time they enter 4th grade so they are set up for success throughout their education.
How are we doing in Colorado?
We have work to do in Colorado. 60% of Colorado students in fourth grade scored below proficient on 2018 Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) English Language Arts assessment. Despite passionately committed educators and the READ Act we are not adequately preparing enough of our young readers. Learn more about Colorado’s approach to early literacy and ways to help improve literacy for all Colorado students.
Read our reports:
Support Your Child at home
Visit our literacy center for information and resources to work in partnership with your child’s teacher to support their literacy development at home.