Our Stories
The COVID-19 pandemic was devastating for families across this country, including mine. My husband lost his job, and as a result, we lost something very important in our lives: our home. As the mother of five, I was terrified. It was a very difficult situation as I did not have a stable place to provide […]
In a year of tension and tragedy, we pause to consider our role in the community. We know that Stand for Children Arizona is not alone in the challenges we’ve overcome and the changes we’ve faced in a record-breaking year. As we start to see a light at the end of the tunnel, we want […]
We have great news to share! Our legislative effort to help the youngest students in Arizona was successful! HB 2123 has officially been signed into law, which will reform outdated zero-tolerance discipline practices and benefit future generations of young students in our state. The new law limits expulsions and suspensions for students in grades K-4 and prohibits them for students aged 6 and younger. It also establishes policy for schools to explore alternate behavioral and disciplinary interventions and to create a […]
Stand for Children has now been in Arizona for 12 years. The time has flown by, and our work continues to grow and reach more parents, students, and school officials. School leaders make a big difference and can empower parents, change policy, and give students a better future. One leader, in particular, has stood out as a good friend and ally in […]
Last week, students and parents stood in front of legislators to demand a stop to proposed education cuts to their schools. After school, students and their parents drove to the capitol to carry a message that politicians need to hear: “Don’t cut education funding!” Right now, proposed legislation and budget negotiations are making their way through the Arizona legislature […]
The Arizona Supreme Court has repeatedly throughout history recognized and protected the citizen’s initiative process. Under the Arizona Constitution, the power of the people to create their own laws is equal to that of elected legislators. On April 20, the Arizona Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case that seeks to invalidate Prop […]