Our Stories
If 2020 was a year of unprecedented change, challenging us to adapt and overcome like we haven’t been challenged in generations, 2021 was all about finding our footing and achieving positive impact and growth. Stand empowered more parents to engage in their kids’ education and grow as community leaders. And more of Arizona’s most precious […]
Students deserve to learn accurate U.S. history. Our country’s future depends on it. As a student in high school, I am always reminded to think about my future. What would I like to do as a career? Will I have the skills I need? What does it take to be a good citizen? I’ve been lucky to have great teachers. They dedicate themselves to […]
How do we help those in our community that are furthest away from justice and opportunity? We speak up, and we drive change. Many young people in Arizona get trapped in the juvenile court system. Despite their efforts to make amends, fulfill their punishment and move on, getting their life back on track can become nearly impossible due […]
Once again, we must save over $1 billion in funding for education and crucial services. This week, the Invest in Arizona Coalition submitted hundreds of thousands of signatures to the Secretary of State to halt Governor Ducey and the legislative majority’s efforts to create a large tax break for the wealthy at the expense of […]
This piece was published on the Arizona Republic on August 30th, 2021. Opinion: The cards are stacked against Invest in Ed, but we haven’t stopped fighting. We’ll do it in the trial court and we’ll do it with 3 referenda in 2022. Last week, in a flawed decision that has dangerous implications for the future […]
This piece was published on the Arizona Capitol Times on August 26th, 2021 Right now, Arizona is experiencing a child care crisis. Costs and demand for high-quality child care are on the rise in Arizona. Now, with the pandemic forcing one-third of the state’s licensed child care providers to close, parents are left with nowhere to turn […]