Arizona Legislative District 13

ARizona LEgislative District 13

Candidate Representing our shared values

Brandy Reese LD 13 State House of Representives

Brandy Reese

The data is clear: Strong schools build strong communities and strong local economies. That’s why mom and scientist Brandy Reese is running to invest in our neighborhood schools, improve classroom safety, and attract and retain high-quality teachers. Brandy Reese’s vision for our community and schools is exactly what we need! 

Standing together

About our Process

We made sure that the candidates we endorsed for Arizona State Senate and House of Representatives share our values as Arizona parents, grandparents, teachers, students and community members. This means ensuring the candidates we support are willing to put in the hard work to make our dreams for our families a reality. And above all, we made sure anyone we support is committed to prioritizing the concerns and needs of our community members.