It’s Time to Invest in Arizona

Once again, we must save over $1 billion in funding for education and crucial services. 

This week, the Invest in Arizona Coalition submitted hundreds of thousands of signatures to the Secretary of State to halt Governor Ducey and the legislative majority’s efforts to create a large tax break for the wealthy at the expense of schools and crucial services. 

Read the full press release from the Invest in Arizona signature turn-in press conference.

Yasmin Castro – 9th grade student Apollo High School speaking at the press conference at the Arizona capitol.

After 1.7 million voters passed Prop 208 – Invest in Ed, powerful interests have been working to undermine the new law. Their efforts are threatening the economic future of our state and the fight is not over.

That is why, in addition to defending Proposition 208 in trial court, the Invest in Arizona coalition filed ballot referenda to reject fiscally irresponsible giveaways that personally benefit Ducey and his wealthy political donors, while harming Arizona’s children and economy.

The next step? More legal battles. Opponents who want to protect the wealthy at the expense of students have already filed legal challenges to the signatures we filed. They don’t want you to be able to vote on this issue – they think it belongs in the hands of 48 people at the capitol – and the legal fees continue to add up.

 Will you chip in to help Invest in Arizona?

Should we win the legal battles and the become official, these bad bills will show up on the November 2022 ballot for US to decide – not 48 people at the capitol.

You can join us in this fight – it is far from over.

Learn about the Invest in Arizona campaign!