A Year of Connection

In a year of tension and tragedy, we pause to consider our role in the community.

We know that Stand for Children Arizona is not alone in the challenges we’ve overcome and the changes we’ve faced in a record-breaking year. As we start to see a light at the end of the tunnel, we want to acknowledge everyone in our network of community partners, donors, and friends who have leaned in and stepped up to support the needs of families hit hardest by the pandemic, itself, and its economic impact.

We all didn’t just keep pace, we stayed ahead of the challenges. For each of us that meant different things – adapting to technology and providing support, giving a little more time or a little more treasure for those in need. Whatever your focus, from our team to yours: Thank You! 

For our part, we’ve learned a lot that will transform how we do our work moving forward. We plan to continue our more regular direct communication with parents to determine their needs and provide direct support. We will also continue to offer an online option to our workshops and events. 

We wanted to share some examples of how we adjusted and grew from our experiences. And, most importantly, we made a difference for kids and families. We know a lot of you did, too. Again, thank you for work!  


During the pandemic we worked closely with our partners at Valley of the Sun United Way, SUNDT Foundation, and Give Directly to provide information, educational supplies like laptops and books, basic items like diapers, baby items, clothing, and direct financial support, to families that were in desperate situations due to the pandemic.

Pandemic Response Workshops 

Together with volunteers, we contacted over 400 families and leveraged our extensive network to design and deliver workshops to address urgent issues families identified, like keeping kids engaged with school at home, the census, and Financial Literacy.

Every Child Reads Grows! 

With kids learning at home or hybrid this past year, the Every Child Reads program has grown. We launched the program in several new school districts, benefiting hundreds of families. There is a lot of reading going on!   

As we enter summer, we are hopeful for a more “normal” year starting in August, and to help even more parents, teachers, school officials, and students than ever before. Thank you for standing with us.  

Please consider donating to our work! You can join us here.