Policy Priority: Help Us Increase Graduation Rates & Change the Trajectory for Colorado Students!

Colorado has expanded the number of schools implementing a 9th grade success approach. One of our top priorities for next year is to work with the legislature to expand funding for the 9th Grade Success Grant Program.  

Last week, the State Board of Education named 27 schools across Colorado recipients of 9th Grade Success Grants. Let’s ensure that even more students are finishing 9th grade on-track by expanding funding for more Colorado schools. 

Decades of research has shown that supporting students by implementing a 9th Grade Success approach improves graduation rates. In fact, students who are “on-track” (meaning they have no more than one F) at the end of their 9th grade year are three times more likely to graduate from high school than their off-track peers.  On-track status is a stronger predictor of high school graduation than race/ethnicity, level of poverty, and test scores combined!  

Join us and stay in engaged in this work when the legislature convenes in January. Sign up, and we will email you when there are opportunities to advocate for our high school students. 

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