Policy Priority: Virtual Probation and Parole

Did you know, four out of ten people released from Colorado prisons in 2018 returned within three years, and two out of ten people released from prison returned for technical violations (meaning they did not comply with the terms & conditions of probation or parole)?

That’s why one of our policy priorities next year is to expand opportunities for remote reporting (via online platform or phone) for individuals under parole or probation.  This enables us to use technology to ensure people can meet the requirements of their parole or probation while supporting their ability to work, seek education, care for children, or other responsibilities.   

Currently, lower-risk individuals under probation or parole supervision in Colorado may have the option to check in virtually with their supervising officers in many jurisdictions. However, this option varies across the state. With this policy, we have the opportunity to improve our recidivism rates in Colorado. By providing comprehensive support and opportunities for reintegration, we not only reduce the risk of recidivism but also contribute to a more productive and inclusive society.       

Please sign up to stay informed about how you can join us in advancing this important policy next legislative session to level the playing field and offer remote supervision statewide. 

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