I want to see the IPS district and all its students succeed

It is not a secret that there are opportunity gaps in the IPS district, but I believe if we grow the schools that are working, we can begin to close those gaps. I believe IPS can be a district where all students achieve no matter their race or income level. Having a district free of opportunity gaps starts with acknowledging the schools, regardless of type, where students are on grade level and having a plan in place to grow those models.

If you agree, I hope you’ll join me and sign this petition today.

Too many IPS students don’t have access to high-performing schools that are closing the opportunity gap. Together we could change that.

Please add your name to this petition that is asking IPS leaders to grow the schools that are getting dramatically better results for Black and Brown students. Closing the opportunity gap is good for everyone.

No student is perfect, no school is perfect, no parent is perfect—but if we invest in the growth of models that work, we can begin to close the gap and aim even higher for the sake of Indianapolis students.

In September I asked IPS leaders to share data that highlights the public schools in our city that are closing the opportunity gap, regardless if those schools are IPS schools or local public charters, by the IPS Action Session in October. Watch my video here.