Your down-ballot vote matters

Quick riddle for you: What’s super powerful, helps keep our schools safe, and shapes the future for kids in Indianapolis?

 Answer: Voting for your local school board!

We know you’ve heard about the big races, but did you know that voting down-ballot is just as important? Your local school board members are the team who make decisions about YOUR child’s education. They directly impact important issues like curriculum, teacher pay, and school safety.

Here’s why voting down-ballot is key:
Imagine voting for president but skipping the people who decide what happens in YOUR kid’s classroom—wild, right? School board members decide the budget, curriculum, and policies that affect students every single day. That’s why voting for leaders who value quality public education for all is a total game-changer.

After reviewing what’s at stake in the IPS school board elections and who’s running, IPS parents and community members put together an IPS Voter Guide that lists the candidates who they have endorsed. Check it out and show up at the polls to elect YOUR IPS school board members who support an equitable public education!

Here are three ways that you can help level up IPS schools:

  1. Vote down-ballot for school board candidates who will prioritize quality public education for all kids.
  2. Share the voter guide with friends and family! It’s easy and makes a huge difference!
  3. Volunteer or donate to help elect leaders who care about students.

Don’t leave the school board race blank! It’s one of the most important votes you can cast. Indianapolis kids deserve the best, and with your help, we can make sure they get it.