Why I stood for ELL funding

When I was in 3rd grade, I was held back a year because I didn’t understand English. I know firsthand what it means to be an English Language Learner (ELL) who attends an underfunded school and ends up stuck in the system.

As a part of the Stand for Children Indiana spotlight series, watch my video to learn why I spoke up during the legislative session and how advocates like me are making a positive change:

I had never spoken to legislators before, and due to working until 6 A.M., I had not gotten much sleep. While I am generally a very private person, I showed up and waited my turn to speak because I knew my story was worth sharing. I knew there were other students like me in Indiana, who had been held back and stuck in the system. I wanted to make sure they received more support that provided them with the environment to graduate on time and excel in school.

Today, I am glad I shared my story. Not only will ELL students see some additional funding, but the experience taught me that my voice matters and can make a difference.

If you have a story to tell, I encourage you to join Stand for Children Indiana’s email list and share by emailing [email protected].

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