Fighting Racism
Standing for racial justice
The horrific murder of George Floyd and the protests that have arisen from that atrocity have sparked a dialogue and a need for all of us to take action. The systemic racism that leads to the death of black people at the hands of police is the same racism that drives significant educational opportunity gaps in our society. Simply put, black and brown students don’t get the same resources, quality instruction or access to great schools as their white counterparts. And black students still face discipline policies in schools that feed a school-to-prison pipeline.
We want to support you in finding your place in this movement to dismantle systemic racism and fight for justice – for George Floyd and every other black person who feels like American has its knee to their neck. Below are resources that can help you take action, support your children, and help educate others who remain ignorant about the long, dark history of this nation’s struggle with racism.
Educate our children and learn to talk to them about racism
- Diverse Book Finder
- Indianapolis Public Library:
- The New York Times: These Books Can Help You Explain Racism and Protest to Your Kids
- Woman’s Day: 18 Children’s Books About Race and Racism That Can Spark Conversation
- Today: 9 books to help you discuss anti-racism with children and teenagers
- EmbraceRace: Looking for Excellent “Diverse” Books for Children? Start Here!