Our Stories

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Our Stories

We’re endorsing these 10 champions for education and justice

Sep 21, 202203 min read
an older white woman with blonde hair and classes in a blue suit against a background of greenery
As the 2022 General Election approaches on November 8, 2022, the Stand for Children Washington PAC is proud to announce our initial round of endorsements for ten champions of young people in Washington.

We’re updating our website

Aug 12, 202201 min read
We’re updating our website
We’re excited to have launched a new version of our website in August 2022 and are in the process of adding content from before 2022 to our records. Until then, if you have a question about Stand for Children Washington or the work we do, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Katie Gustainis at […]

Who we elect matters more than ever

Jul 21, 202202 min read
Who we elect matters more than ever
Have you received your ballot for the August 2nd primary election, Katie? As you cast your vote, I’m writing to ask for your partnership to help us elect champions of education equity and racial justice across Washington state.  Can you support our electoral efforts with a $10 donation to the Stand for Children Washington PAC? […]

GiveBIG with us today

May 4, 202204 min read
GiveBIG with us today
Stand’s two newest team members, Carolina Fuentes and Megan Pirie, have offered their reflections about what excites them the most about Stand’s work and mission.

Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month

Apr 28, 202205 min read
Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month
1 in 44 children in the US is diagnosed on the spectrum – also known as ASD – and 31% of those with ASD will have a developmental disability. This means many families will face the complexities of supporting a loved one who is neurodiverse in our society.   

Washington Ends Practice of Charging Families For Their Child’s Incarceration

Mar 30, 202204 min read
Washington Ends Practice of Charging Families For Their Child’s Incarceration
Ending “parent pay” allows Washington to uphold racial equity and help youth successfully transition into adulthood while eliminating a wasteful government policy.