2022 Legislative Priorities
Stand for Children is a non-profit advocacy organization focused on ensuring all students receive a high quality, relevant education, especially those whose boundless potential is overlooked and under-tapped because of their skin color, zip code, first language, or disability. We are working to ensure all students in Washington graduate from high school ontime with the support and preparation they need to pursue their dreams.
To Achieve Our Mission, Stand’s Legislative Advocacy Seeks to:
- Lead with the goal of racial equity by targeting policies that prioritize Black and Brown students and their families
- Promote proven solutions that are already working in schools and communities
In the 2022 Legislative Session, Stand Urges Lawmakers to:

Increase support for Ninth Grade Success Teams to ensure that ninth grade students finish their first year of high school passing all classes and with one quarter of the credits needed to graduate, an indicator that makes them four times more likely to graduate than off-track peers.
Learn more about the importance of the critical ninth grade transition.

Eliminate fines and fees charged to young people moving through the criminal legal system, the impact of which disproportionately burdens vulnerable families with debt and further separates young people from education, career training, and support.
Learn more about the proposed bill to eliminate “parent pay” for juvenile offenders in 2022.

Protect funding for support staff, including nurses, counselors, psychologists, and social workers in the prototypical school model to ensure schools are appropriately staffed to serve students’ mental health, academic, and postsecondary planning needs.
Learn more about the proposed funding request to protect support staff.

Promote anti-racist practices and identity-affirming educational experiences to ensure that students of color feel belonging in their classrooms and that educators may teach accurate curriculum without fear of retaliation.