July Stargazing with Stand

We know everyone is enjoying their time off, so we’re keeping this edition short and sweet. We will check back in with you in August as we ramp up for all things back to school!

july highlights

Staff Spotlight: Carolina

“What continues to motivate me about the work we do here at Stand is my personal experiences and hearing the stories of those around me, because it is a reminder that the work is not done. It’s work that I continue to learn from daily and reminds me that change can be made, whether big or small. I think it is important to take our experiences, to really listen to others, and take the time to find ways how we can make things better and make space for our communities and youth to succeed and feel safe. It’s knowing that we are at least trying.” Learn more about Carolina.

August 1st School Board Primary Race

If you’ve received a ballot  in the mail this month, then there is a primary race for your school board! School board directors are non-partisan positions and their role is to provide oversight to the district superintendent, set the strategic direction for the district, set the budget, and adopt district policies. We need school board directors that put students first and who support safe, equitable, and affirming schools.

Check out candidate forums from the League of Women Voters to learn more about where candidates stand by finding your local chapter and checking their website for recordings. Return your primary ballot by August 1 (post-marked or placed in a ballot dropbox).

Teamwork Time

Our team spent time together this month to engage deeply in annual planning. We know that what we do today, and the next fiscal year, is a part of a longer-term effort to transform systems. We draw inspiration from the stories and expertise of young people and families who engage in this work. We’ll continue to double down on impactful policies rooted in racial equity, so all young Washingtonians receive meaningful access to a high quality, relevant education, and support to transition into young adulthood.

What We’re Watching

The Education Lab at the Seattle Times hosted a live Q&A with education finance experts to answer questions about school budgets, finance trends, and challenges.

Wishing you a restful summer,

Ciarra Crowe
Marketing and Communications Manager
Stand for Children Washington

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