This is a friendly reminder that our virtual join Momentum Memphis Education Task-Force Meeting will be tonight via Zoom starting at 6:00 pm.
Hear updates from our task-force leaders and coalition partners on the advancement of our advocacy efforts to make equity in education a reality for students in Memphis and Shelby County. To attend, please use this link to register.

You’re also invited to Outreach Coordinator Rev. Edie’s “Community Check-In” tomorrow at 5:00 pm via Zoom. Learn about resources parents can use to adapt to the virtual 2020-21 school year and ways we all can support each other in making educational equity a reality for our students. To attend, please use this link to register.

We’re also continuing our media series with Chalkbeat journalist, Laura Faith Kebede, and Stand For Children’s Outreach Coordinator, Paul Garner. “Get the Scoop” will happen on Thursday, September 17th, from 12:00 – 1:30 pm via Zoom! This informative workshop will provide the information you need to interact with media professionals and a glimpse of how journalists cover education in Tennessee! This session is FREE and open to the PUBLIC. Reserve your spot today by clicking here.