As we continue to quarantine and practice social distancing, we want to make sure that you are aware of upcoming Stand events and advocacy efforts you can join and take action from the comfort of your own home. This Thursday, May 21, at 3:00 pm, join outreach coordinator Rob Brown for part 3 of his “Breaking the School to Prison Pipeline“ workshop series via Zoom.
In this final segment, attendees will discuss what methods and strategies have worked locally and nationally, plus what we as a community can do to continue the fight to shatter the school to prison pipeline. To attend, please use this link to reserve your spot for this engaging workshop.

Next, take some time to wind down and prepare for the weekend by joining outreach coordinator Edith Love’s “Quarantine Check-In“ this Friday, May 22, at 1:00 pm via Zoom. Give your input on the best ways we all can adapt to the new norms of distance education, activities to do at home with your student(s), and how we can get through this challenging time together. To attend, please use this link to register.

If you can’t join us this week, then mark your calendar for outreach coordinator Paul Garner’s “The Web of Oppression“ workshop next Wednesday, May 27, at 2:00 pm via Zoom and Facebook Live. This workshop will explore the concept of intersectionality to help us build awareness of how oppression affects our work as organizers and advocates. You can register for this informative workshop by using this link to register.

Can’t make any of our workshops? Not a problem! You can take action by helping Stand raise money for students in Memphis and Shelby County to receive the devices and WiFi connections they need to continue their education at home by donating to the Shelby County YES Fund.

Stand has joined with the Memphis & West TN Labor Council, MICAH, and other community groups to demand Shelby County Commissioners and Shelby County Mayor Harris raise new revenue to restore the County budget fairly and equitably. While COVID-19 has drastically affected the county budget, it shouldn’t be balanced at the cost of workers losing their job, cutting benefits, or the educational future of our children!

If you agree that Shelby County Mayor, along with the Shelby County Commissioners should put people first, take action by signing this letter to show your support for a moral and equitable 2020-21 Shelby County Budget.