English marketing & communications
Jamayka Young, Digital Storyteller, uplifts the stories of everyday people who are working towards our shared dream of equitable, high-quality public schools for every student and encourages our supporters to get involved in their own local schools and communities through strategic communications across digital channels. Jamayka is also responsible for developing internal storytelling capacity for all Stand for Children staff.
Stand’s mission of making every classroom a safe, welcoming environment for all students regardless of background connected with Jamayka’s deep passion for social justice, developed through their own experiences as a product of Title 1 South Jersey public schools. Before Stand, Jamayka worked as a Writing Fellow at the Institute for Diversity in the Arts, working at the intersection of creative writing and social justice.
“My favorite teacher in school was my fourth-grade teacher, Mr. Gafas. He was the first teacher I had that talked to us students like we were equal to him and like he could learn something from us. That really empowered me to take up space in classrooms, like I had something valuable to contribute.”