As a nonprofit advocacy organization active in Washington since 2007, Stand for Children is a unique catalyst for education equity and racial justice, to create a brighter future for us all.
To achieve our mission, Stand’s legislative advocacy seeks to:
- Lead with the goal of racial equity by targeting policies that prioritize students and families who are Black, Indigenous and
people of color. - Promote proven solutions that are already working in schools and communities
In the 2023 legislative session, Stand urges lawmakers to:
Build a debt-free youth justice system that reduces harm and promotes community healing by:
- eliminating the ineffective and inefficient practice of imposing financial restitution in juvenile cases;
- improving access to compensation for victims of crime;
- eliminating remaining juvenile legal financial obligations (LFOs), and;
- discharging outstanding juvenile court debt.
We are proud to work alongside our partners in the Debt Free Youth Justice Washington Coalition in this effort. Learn more at
Increase on-time high school graduation rates and support students through the critical ninth-grade transition year by equipping educators with the proven Ninth Grade Success Team Approach
With a framework that is uniquely suited to improve student success, the NGST Approach:
- prioritizes relationship-building;
- focuses on equity, and;
- makes data immediately actionable.
We are proud to work alongside our partners in the High School Success Coalition in this effort. Learn more at
To read our support agenda items for 2023, you may download a PDF copy of our legislative priorities at this link.