Our Impact: High School Success

High School Success is a fund initiated by ballot Measure 98, which was introduced by Stand for Children and was passed by voters in 2016. It’s goal is to lift Oregon’s graduation rates, boost career and technical education for students, increase advanced classes to challenge students, and reduce the state-wide dropout rate. So far, Measure 98 has been an incredible success and has brought over $750 million in additional funding to schools across the state.

Since 2016, Oregon graduation rates have continued to climb to record levels. Data has shown that schools that receive Measure 98 funding are increasingly likely to have a higher graduation rate the following year.

Measure 98 itself functions as a key contributor to the great success we’ve had with graduation rates in the past few years. It was often cited as a key contributor to student growth and is widely regarded by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to be a major contributor in record-high graduation rates statewide. 

Measure 98 has provided a unique benefit to underrepresented and underserved populations in high schools, with these groups often receiving the largest increases in graduation rates. 

Measure 98 was drafted with a focus on more equitable outcomes and even in its first years, we’re seeing achievement gaps close. The ability for schools to write targeted, effective plans with guaranteed state funding under Measure 98 gives schools a chance to improve outcomes for historically underserved student groups. 

Career and technical education (CTE) is one of the most positively affected areas of Measure 98; an ODE report noted that “[Measure 98] has contributed to substantial growth in CTE programs and increases in equity of access among the students served.” CTE programs have grown exponentially since the implementation of Measure 98. Measure 98 funding again allows for specific improvement in programs not covered elsewhere under state funding.