EARLY LITERACY resources for educators and administrators

Best practices for supporting educators and students in early literacy.
The Early Literacy Success Initiative has the potential to change outcomes for students across the state. We’re committed to the important work of supporting educators in the classroom to ensure the policies in the bill are implemented in a way that makes a difference for students.
Below are resources from Stand for Children’s Center for Early Literacy Success, which aim to support administrators and district officials implement the Early Literacy Success Initiative as effectively as possible.
District and administrator RESOURCEs
Click on a topic below to jump to the corresponding section.
curriculum review tools
Effectively assessing the degree to which curriculum materials align with research is a crucial facet of an early literacy improvement initiative. We recommend the following three robust tools to evaluate curriculum:
- Curriculum Evaluation Guidelines, The Reading League
Please note that while no single curriculum resource is likely to fulfill all criteria, a strategic approach
involves identifying and understanding the unique strengths and weaknesses inherent in each curriculum
resource. This nuanced understanding facilitates a more informed and tailored curriculum selection and
implementation process.

Home-based early literacy programs

Schools can provide resources that help support literacy development in the home as well as in the classroom.
School-based summer literacy programs
Learn the structural features of school-based summer literacy programs, including size, schedule, and instruction time.

Early Literacy Coach Position

A sample job description we encourage districts and other LEAs to draw from when posting early literacy coach positions.
Effective Professional Learning & Consultant List
As a district leader, you may be inundated with external professional learning products and providers. Our recommendations for effective professional learning and consultants.

The Power of One-to-One and Small-Group Tutoring

No matter how knowledgeable
and skilled the teacher, class
sizes of 20–30 children and
limited time in the school day
and year make it impossible
to provide each child with the
one-to-one and small-group
instruction we wish we could.
That is where tutoring comes in.