Momentum Memphis Blog

Restorative Policies for Student Success

Restorative Policies for Student Success
In the realm of education advocacy, school discipline reform is a concept that comes up again and again. There is a general consensus that current punitive disciplinary measures are flawed and often contribute to long-lasting negative outcomes for the students on whom they are applied. On the other hand, it is acknowledged that schools still […]

From Punishment to Prevention

From Punishment to Prevention
Read the first post in this series: Restorative Policies for Student Success Exclusionary school discipline methods are applied at a much greater rate to racial minorities and students with disabilities. In Tennessee, black students are five times more likely to be suspended as white students. Disparities in disciplinary actions prompted White Station High School student Janiya […]

Innovative Solutions for Positive Results

Innovative Solutions for Positive Results
Read the other posts in this series: Restorative Policies for Student Success and From Punishment to Prevention Cami Anderson and her Discipline Revolution Project are the vanguard in the field of restorative justice practices. The DRP provides members with resources, training, and support on practical, innovative school- and system-level solutions that help educators focus on repairing harm and restoring relationships […]

Opportunity Youth in Memphis

Opportunity Youth in Memphis
Coined in 2012 by John Bridgeland, CEO of Civic Enterprises and former director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, the term “opportunity youth” refers to the millions of young people in America between the ages of 16 and 24 who, for a variety of reasons, are out of school and unemployed. Memphis is home to […]

The Movement in Memphis Continues

The Movement in Memphis Continues
Read the first post in this series: Opportunity Youth in Memphis Last year, our Fund Students First coalition requested that the City of Memphis allocate at least $10 million for an education fund that would invest in both in-school and out-of-school efforts that have a direct and measurable impact on students’ academic achievement and/or career development. In addition to increased […]

Memphis Deserves more

Memphis Deserves more
Read the other posts in this series: Opportunity Youth in Memphis and The Movement in Memphis Continues During the FY2017 budget process and the months afterward, there were some small successes. Although they dismissed our request for an impactful increase in investment for youth opportunity programs, Mayor Strickland and the Memphis City Council did support spending allocations for […]