Now more than ever, we must pay attention! Now more than ever, we must get involved! Now more than ever, we must vote! In the August 6 election, each of us will have an opportunity to shape the educational future for students in Memphis and Shelby County. Your participation in the Shelby County General Election is a chance to vote for education champions committed to building equity in education!
- Get Involved – Check the opportunities (volunteer and paid) to get engaged in supporting these great candidates
- Vote – You can still register to vote by mail (until July 30) or find your polling location.

Let’s start with the August election and carry this momentum through to November! Casting your vote for Shelby County Schools Board is one of the best actions that you can take toward improving the odds for all children in our community receiving the education they need and deserve.This election is too important to sit out! We believe that these candidates will be true education champions for the children of Memphis and Shelby County.
Whether you vote by mail, early vote (starting July 17), or find your way to the polls on August 6, make sure to exercise your right to vote and send a message to 10 friends to join you in voting!