Empowering Parents to be Strong Leaders

Isadore Harris is a Stand for Children Parent Leader at Aspire-Coleman Elementary in Memphis, Tennessee. He shares his story on what it means to be a leader at Stand and the launch of the H.E.R.O. Attendance Awareness Campaign.

My name is Isadore Harris and I am a leader at Stand for Children. Stand for Children is a group that I have found to be an organization that understands the needs of the community. This outreach group reaches out to the community that surrounds the educational circle of our young men and women of the new millennium.  One way they have done so is by forming a leadership team with community and school parents.

Not only does my opinion count, but being a leader at Stand has allowed me to find and use my voice to address certain issues at public events and public board meetings with city officials.

During our monthly strategy team meetings, I have found that my opinion counts. We have real discussions that are shared around the room and other leader’s opinions are considered before action is taken. I have enjoyed the dialogue from a community of people like myself.  We are not looked at as outsiders, but as thought partners and leaders. 

The team at Stand for Children makes you feel like you are part of their families in the education circle.  Not only does my opinion count, but being a leader at Stand has allowed me to find and use my voice to address certain issues at public events and public board meetings with city officials.

I am excited that we are launching the H.E.R.O. attendance awareness campaign. H.E.R.O. stands for Here, Every Day, Ready and On Time. Teachers are working hard along with Stand for Children to make sure that all parents understand that their babies need to be at school every day and get to class on time. If they’re not there, they can’t learn.

My leadership at Stand for Children has also given me the opportunity to create my own nonprofit organization, Fathers in Education, to help fight for education for children. Fathers In Education, along with Stand for Children and other nonprofit businesses in Memphis, will make the change and a difference. We will continue our mission and fight very hard to be a hero for our children.*

To learn more about Stand Tennessee or for information on how you can take action in your school like Isadore, visit our homepage at www.stand.org/Tennessee

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