In 2022, the Arizona State legislature narrowly passed “the nation’s largest school voucher scheme” according to the Washington Post – despite the fact that voters rejected that idea by nearly 2 to 1 in a 2018 statewide referendum on the issue.
Now that the universal ESA voucher program has been in effect for over a year, data and analysis of the program is emerging that shed some light on whether taxpayers are getting their money’s worth.
Arizonans deserve to know the truth about vouchers, and, regardless of politics or political party, contact your legislators to share your thoughts.
Cost of ESA Voucher Program
ABC 15 Expose on use of taxpayer funds
Governor’s Office memo on school voucher cost projections
Student Safety
Attorney General consumer advisory on rights forfeited when accepting ESA vouchers, and ESA vendor scam warning
Accountability and Transparancy
20 year old OpEd on Voucher accountability from Ed Reform group, still relevant today
Pro and Con arguments from Britannica’s
Reforming the Program
Governor’s Reform Proposal announced on Jan 2, 2024 to increase accountability and transparency.
Stand Survey data supporting reform