English Indiana Staff

Carolina Figueroa

Carolina Figueroa

Organizer II

Carolina is a Peruvian native with a Hoosier upbringing. Her passion for helping in children’s education grew when, as a child, she was one of the only Latino kids in her school and hit a language barrier with very limited resources. Quickly overcoming these barriers, she found herself helping as many new students as possible that were struggling with the same thing. This helped her realize that her peers were more confident and successful when there was that clear communication between parent and teacher.

Currently, her passion for helping others lead her to serve as board member of the Latina’s Welding Guild and volunteer at organizations such as ACLU, Latino Coalition, and Indiana Latino Institute. In the past, she also served as Vice President of the Peruvian Association for Central Indiana. Carolina holds her Associates degree in Business Administration from Ivy Tech and looks forward to applying her business knowledge to Stand along with her passion for helping the community.

In her “freetime” she enjoys being a soccer mom for her 2 boys, rollerblading through the canal, and welding creatively. She is excited to bring her energy and enthusiasm to the Stand team and the IPS parents.