
Getting the Most from Our K-12 Education Dollars
Even while K-12 funding has increased, data shows that outcomes have been steadily declining for over a decade, according to Dr. Marguerite Roza with the Edunomics Lab.

The First Year of Pandemic Recovery: A District-Level Analysis
Students around the country have shown promising signs of rebounding from the COVID era’s massive disruptions to learning, according to a first-of-its-kind multi-state analysis by researchers at Harvard and Stanford universities. But not in Oregon.
Unlike in the 29 other states studied, Oregon students as a whole have failed to regain either reading or math skills, researchers found.

After this analysis, we found Measure 98 has proven successful and equitable in its
impact, contributing to improved metrics for Oregon high school students across all data categories and student groups.
Stand for Children champions education equity and racial justice in Oregon’s public schools.
With a small but mighty staff of six, we pride ourselves on our effectiveness and child-centered focus.