photo of Denver skyline with words this month at the DPS Board

Welcome to the November edition of “This Month at the DPS Board”, a monthly newsletter sharing information about the Denver Public Schools (DPS) Board of Education.    

Our goal is simple: to share what is happening at school board meetings so you can engage with the board and the district even if you cannot attend hours of meetings every month. 

Work Session – November 3, 2022 

Policy Review: Ends 1.3, Ends 1.4, Ends 1.5 & Executive Limitations 15, Executive Limitations 17 

The work session began by reviewing “Ends policies” 1.3, 1.4, 1.5. DPS staff encouraged the community to review the policies posted on Boarddocs to provide any feedback. Ends policies are the long-term goals for the district. Executive limitations are policies the Superintendent will be evaluated on. Governance policies impact the board members and how they govern. The Board reviews the policies and posts them for “first read,” which is the step in the process in which community can provide feedback. After that, the policy moves on to “second read”, which is when the Board considers the suggested edits and make changes. On the “second read”, community can still review and provide feedback on the policies. After the second read, the Board votes to establish the policy.  

The Board reviewed Ends 1.5, which refers to ‘Post Graduation and Global Citizenship.’ They added the requirement for eligible students to pre-register to vote at the age of 16 in order to receive their diploma. They proceeded to Ends 1.3 which refers to student and staff well-being.  

School Unification Plan: Applying the DEAC Criteria 

Staff presented the school unification plan which included discussion about the current state of enrollment challenges, the recommendations created by the Declining Enrollment Advisory Committee (DEAC), learning from prior school consolidations, and applying criteria to identify school unifications. Elementary enrollment has declined by 6,485 students since the peak in 2014.  Middle School enrollment has declined by 1,612 Students since the peak in 2019. 

Superintendent Marrero outlined the challenges that school staff experience working in a small schools, such as teachers not having planning partners or teams, higher rates of staff turnover, and annual staff reductions, and principals needing to cover classes in addition to their leadership responsibilities. Staff then explained the criteria recommended by the DEAC for district-managed schools and charter schools, including timeline information 

Board members shared their thoughts, outlining concerns over the process and community engagement. 

Budget Advisory Committee- November 7, 2022 

Budget Review 

Board members and community leaders reviewed the five-year financial outlook. They talked about how enrollment affects funds, and how it is steadily decreasing.  

Budget Principals  

The committee shared a draft of budget guiding principles for the school year 2023-2024. They talked about how it should be updated to reflect the upcoming school year. 

ESSER Funding 

The Budget Advisory Committee talked about how stimulus funding is supporting DPS priorities such as: accelerated learning, social emotional and mental health, and the foundation. Stimulus funding is for three years ends in 2024.  

DPS Board Meeting – November 17, 2022 

Declining Enrollment 

Most of the board meeting focused on potential school closures due to declining enrollment. Board members were ready to vote on the closure of five Denver schools (down from the original list of 10). Prior to the discussion and vote, Superintendent Marrero asked to revise his proposal down to two schools – Mathematics and Science Leadership Academy (MSLA) and Denver Discovery School (DDS), which were the smallest schools on the lists. The school board voted down this recommendation as well as revoking the Declining Enrollment resolution previously adopted in 2021.  

Denver Public Schools will now need to revisit concerns around declining enrollment. Many of the board’s complaints were around process as it relates to community engagement.  

Special Board Meeting – Public Comment – November 28, 2022 

Superintendent Report 

Superintendent Dr. Alex Marrero shared his thoughts and updates related to many of the current issues the district is currently grappling with including declining enrollment, school start times, and school safety.  

He began by acknowledging the difficulty and emotion surrounding the realities of grappling with declining enrollment but stated that it’s the superintendent’s and board’s responsibility to grapple with the issue and propose solutions “as educational and fiscal stewards of the resources allocated to all of us”, saying “I would not be doing my job if I didn’t bring this issue and recommended solutions to the board of education for discussion and ultimately a decision.” After a recent decision to rescind the superintendent’s proposed small schools resolution, Dr. Marrero thanked the board saying, “I now have a clearer direction provided by you all” and shared that he looks forwards to working together to identify solutions.  

He also addressed healthy start times that has caused concern in the community, saying “we know the research of the benefit of healthy start times on our students, but we do have to acknowledge that it disrupts the current schedules of families.”  

Finally, he addressed school safety calling “the violence that’s happening in and around schools…the biggest issue” the district is grappling with. He shared statistics about occurrences of violence and gun presence on and near campuses and his concerns about access to guns. He shared that the Denver Police Department and Mayor Hancock have committed to making safety in and around schools and that he will be monitoring the upcoming mayoral campaigns for how candidates describe addressing this issue.  

Director Anderson asked for a personal privilege to address the board “to issue a formal apology” saying his “focus as a board member has been deterred” and that he has “contributed personally to some of what folks would describe as dysfunction”. He offered to have restorative conversations with any board or staff member and the superintendent.  

President Gaytan responded saying she also wants to move forward to “do the work of the board and redirect our attention to policy.”  

5280 Freedom School Contract Presentation 

Staff from the Authorizing and Accountability office shared a presentation regarding the conditions and next steps outlined in the 5280 Freedom School contract. Following a State Board appeal, the DPS board voted 7-0 to approve the 5280 Freedom School application with conditions. The school must meet the conditions to open.  

The conditions outlined included guidance related to budget, curriculum, and enrollment and special education preparations.  

The board is slated to vote on the contract on December 15, 2022. If all conditions are satisfied, the school will open in the fall of 2023. View the full presentation here.  

School Dashboard Advisory Committee 

District staff shared updates and information related to the School Dashboard Advisory Committee including historical context, committee purpose, and timeline to apply and participate. 

In August 2020, the DPS Board adopted Resolution 4079 in which DPS should adopt the State school-performance framework (SPF) for accountability. In addition, “A local, public dashboard should become available…in line with the vision and values of the [DPS Strategic Plan]”. Development of the dashboard should include “teachers, leaders, families, students, community members, committee members”.  

The Dashboard Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the superintendent on information to include in the school dashboard and provide feedback to inform changes to initial versions of the school dashboard. A subset of the committee will solicit community input and feedback to inform the school dashboard work. The goal is to build out a dashboard by the Fall of 2024.  

The application to apply to the Committee will be open from November 30-January 1. The Family and Community Engagement (FACE) team can provide additional support for any family or community member completing the application by calling 720-423-3054. 

Additional details include:  

  • The first meeting will most likely be held in person on the evening of Tuesday, February 7  
  • Future meetings, informed by committee members, will be conducted in person or virtually.  
  • Interpretation and translation services will be provided, as needed  
  • Food will be provided for all in-person meetings and childcare will be provided for committee members who identify the need 

Board members engaged in a discussion asking questions and sharing concerns about the process, purpose, and impact of establishing a committee.  

View the full presentation for more information here.  

Policy Governance Policies Review 

District staff presented a second reading of ends-policies and executive limitations “to refine and have these policies work well for this board of education.” The second readings are posted on the district’s website.  

Public Comment  

Community expressed their opinions on variety of topics through public testimony. You can sign up here for public comment and speak directly to the board about what matters to you. 


Do you want to let the board know your thoughts on any of these topics? You can sign up for public comment and speak directly to the board about what matters to you. You can sign up here

Bienvenidos a la edición de Noviembre de “Este mes en la Junta de DPS”, un boletín mensual que comparte información sobre el Consejo de Educación de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver (DPS).  

Nuestro objetivo es sencillo: compartir lo que ocurre en las reuniones del consejo escolar para que pueda participar con el consejo y el distrito, aunque no pueda asistir a horas de reuniones cada mes.

Sesión de Trabajo – 3 de Noviembre de 2022

Revisión de políticas: Fines 1.3, Fines 1.4, Fines 1.5 y Límites Ejecutivos 15, Límites Ejecutivos 17

La sesión de trabajo comenzó con la revisión de las “Políticas de Fines” 1.3, 1.4, 1.5. El personal de DPS animó a la comunidad a revisar las políticas publicadas en Boarddocs para proporcionar cualquier comentario. Las políticas de fines son los objetivos a largo plazo para el distrito.  Las limitaciones ejecutivas son las políticas por las que el Superintendente será evaluado. Las políticas de gobierno afectan a los miembros de la junta y la forma en que gobiernan. El Consejo revisa las políticas y las publica para su “primera lectura”, que es el paso del proceso en el que la comunidad puede aportar sus comentarios. Después, la política pasa a la “segunda lectura”, que es cuando el Consejo considera las modificaciones sugeridas e introduce cambios. En la “segunda lectura”, la comunidad puede seguir revisando las políticas y aportando sus comentarios. Tras la segunda lectura, el Consejo vota para establecer la política.

El Consejo revisó el Fin 1.5, que se refiere a la “Posgraduación y Ciudadanía Global”. Añadieron el requisito de que los estudiantes que cumplan los requisitos se preinscriban para votar a los 16 años para poder recibir su diploma. Pasaron al Fin 1.3, que se refiere al bienestar de los estudiantes y del personal.

Plan de Unificación Escolar: Aplicación de los criterios del DEAC

El personal presentó el plan de unificación escolar que incluyó la discusión sobre el estado actual de los desafíos de inscripción, las recomendaciones creadas por el Comité Asesor de Disminución de Inscripción (DEAC), el aprendizaje de las consolidaciones escolares anteriores y la aplicación de criterios para identificar las unificaciones escolares. La inscripción primaria ha disminuido en 6,485 estudiantes desde el nivel más alto en 2014.  La matrícula de la escuela intermedia ha disminuido en 1,612 estudiantes desde el nivel más alto en 2019.

El Superintendente Marrero describió los desafíos que experimenta el personal escolar que trabaja en escuelas pequeñas, tales como que los maestros no tienen compañeros o equipos de planificación, tasas más altas de rotación de personal y reducciones anuales de personal, y los directores necesitan cubrir clases además de sus responsabilidades de liderazgo. A continuación, el personal explicó los criterios recomendados por el DEAC para las escuelas gestionadas por el distrito y las escuelas charter, incluida la información sobre plazos

Los miembros del Consejo expusieron sus opiniones y su preocupación por el proceso y la participación de la comunidad.

Comité Consultivo de Presupuesto- 7 de Noviembre de 2022

Revisión del Presupuesto

Los miembros del Consejo y los líderes de la comunidad revisaron las perspectivas financieras a cinco años. Hablaron de cómo afecta la matriculación a los fondos, y de cómo está disminuyendo constantemente.

Principios del Presupuesto

El comité compartió un borrador de los principios rectores del presupuesto para el año escolar 2023-2024. Hablaron sobre cómo debería actualizarse para reflejar el próximo año escolar.

Financiación ESSER

El Comité Asesor de Presupuesto habló de cómo la financiación de estímulo está apoyando las prioridades de DPS, tales como: aprendizaje acelerado, social emocional, salud mental, y fundación. El financiamiento de estímulo es por tres años termina en 2024.

Reunión del Consejo de DPS – 17 de Noviembre de 2022

Disminución de las Inscripciones

El consejo escolar rechazó la recomendación del superintendente de cerrar dos escuelas debido a las restricciones del presupuesto relacionadas con el descenso de matriculaciones.

Disminución de las Inscripciones

La mayor parte de la reunión del consejo se centró en los posibles cierres de escuelas debido al descenso de matriculaciones. Los miembros del Consejo estaban dispuestos a votar sobre el cierre de cinco escuelas de Denver (de la lista original de 10). Antes del debate y la votación, el superintendente Marrero pidió revisar su propuesta para reducirla a dos escuelas: Academia de Liderazgo en Matemáticas y Ciencias (MSLA) y Escuela de Descubrimiento de Denver (DDS), que eran las más pequeñas de la lista. El consejo escolar votó en contra de esta recomendación, así como la revocación de la resolución de disminución de la matrícula adoptada previamente en 2021.

Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver tendrán que revisar ahora sus preocupaciones sobre el descenso de matriculaciones. Muchas de las quejas del Consejo se referían al proceso de participación de la comunidad.

Reunión Especial del Consejo – Comentarios del Público – 28 de Noviembre de 2022

Informe del Superintendente

Superintendente Dr. Alex Marrero compartió sus pensamientos y actualizaciones relacionadas con muchos de los problemas actuales del distrito está luchando actualmente con incluir la disminución de la matrícula, horarios de inicio de clases, y seguridad escolar.

Comenzó por reconocer la dificultad y la emoción que rodea a las realidades de lidiar con la disminución de la matrícula, pero declaró que es la responsabilidad del superintendente y del Consejo de lidiar con el problema y proponer soluciones “como administradores educativos y fiscales de los recursos asignados a todos nosotros”, diciendo: “Yo no estaría haciendo mi trabajo si no traigo este tema y las soluciones recomendadas al Consejo de educación para la discusión y, finalmente, una decisión.” Después de una reciente decisión de rescindir la resolución de escuelas pequeñas propuesta por el superintendente, el Dr. Marrero agradeció al Consejo diciendo: “Ahora tengo una dirección más clara proporcionada por todos ustedes” y compartió que espera trabajar juntos para identificar soluciones.

También abordó el tema de los horarios de inicio saludables, que ha causado preocupación en la comunidad, diciendo que “conocemos las investigaciones sobre los beneficios de los horarios de inicio saludables para nuestros estudiantes, pero tenemos que reconocer que altera los horarios actuales de las familias”. “

Por último, se refirió a la seguridad escolar, calificando “la violencia que se está produciendo en las escuelas y sus alrededores… como el mayor problema” al que se enfrenta el distrito. Compartió estadísticas sobre los casos de violencia y la presencia de armas en los campus y sus alrededores, así como su preocupación por el acceso a las armas. Afirmó que el Departamento de Policía de Denver y el Alcalde Hancock se han comprometido a garantizar la seguridad en las escuelas y sus alrededores, y que seguirá de cerca las próximas campañas a la alcaldía para ver cómo abordan este problema los candidatos.

El Director Anderson pidió un privilegio personal para dirigirse al Consejo “para emitir una disculpa formal” diciendo que su “enfoque como miembro del Consejo ha sido disuadido” y que ha “contribuido personalmente a algo de lo que la gente describiría como disfunción”. Se ofreció a mantener conversaciones reparadoras con cualquier miembro del consejo o del personal y con el superintendente.

La Presidenta Gaytan respondió diciendo que ella también quiere avanzar para “hacer el trabajo de la junta y redirigir nuestra atención a la política”.

5280 Presentación del contrato de la Escuela Freedom

El personal de la oficina de Autorización y Rendición de Cuentas compartió una presentación sobre las condiciones y los próximos pasos descritos en el contrato 5280 de la Escuela Freedom. Después de una apelación de la Junta Estatal, la junta de DPS votó 7-0 para aprobar la solicitud de 5280 Escuela Freedom con condiciones. La escuela debe cumplir con las condiciones para abrir.

Las condiciones expuestas incluían orientaciones relacionadas con el presupuesto, el plan de estudios y la matricula y los preparativos para la educación especial.

Está previsto que el Consejo vote el contrato el 15 de Diciembre de 2022. Si se cumplen todas las condiciones, la escuela abrirá sus puertas en otoño de 2023. Vea la presentación completa aquí.

Comité Asesor del Tablero Escolar

El personal del distrito compartió actualizaciones e información relacionada con el Comité Asesor del Tablero Escolar, incluyendo el contexto histórico, propósito del comité y cronograma para postularse y participar.

En Agosto de 2020, el Consejo de DPS adoptó la Resolución 4079 en la que DPS debe adoptar el marco estatal de rendimiento escolar (SPF) para la rendición de cuentas. Además, “Un tablero escolar local y público debe estar disponible… en línea con la visión y los valores del [Plan Estratégico de DPS]”. El desarrollo del Tablero Escolar debería incluir a “profesores, líderes, familias, estudiantes, miembros de la comunidad, miembros del comité”.

El Comité Asesor del Tablero Escolar hará recomendaciones al superintendente sobre la información que debe incluirse en el tablero escolar y proporcionará información para realizar cambios en las versiones iniciales del tablero escolar. Un subgrupo del comité solicitará la opinión y los comentarios de la comunidad para informar el trabajo del tablero escolar. El objetivo es crear un tablero escolar para el otoño de 2024.

La solicitud para formar parte del Comité estará abierta del 30 de Noviembre al 1 de Enero. El equipo de Participación Familiar y Comunitaria (FACE) puede proporcionar apoyo adicional a cualquier familia o miembro de la comunidad que rellene la solicitud llamando al 720-423-3054.

Los detalles adicionales incluyen:

  • Lo más probable es que la primera reunión se celebre en persona el Martes 7 de Febrero por la tarde.
  • Las futuras reuniones, informadas por los miembros del comité, se celebrarán en persona o virtualmente.
  • En caso necesario, se prestarán servicios de interpretación y traducción.
  • Se proporcionará comida para todas las reuniones presenciales y guardería para los miembros del comité que lo necesiten.

Los miembros del Consejo entablaron un debate en el que formularon preguntas y compartieron sus preocupaciones sobre el proceso, la finalidad y las repercusiones de la creación de un comité.

Para más información, consulte la presentación completa aquí.

Revisión de pólizas de Gobernanza de Políticas

El personal del distrito presentó una segunda lectura de las políticas de fines y limitaciones ejecutivas “para refinar y hacer que estas políticas funcionen bien para este Consejo de educación”. Las segundas lecturas están publicadas en el sitio web del distrito.

Comentarios del público

La comunidad expresó sus opiniones sobre diversos temas a través de testimonios públicos. Puede inscribirse aquí para hacer comentarios públicos y hablar directamente al Consejo sobre lo que le importa.


¿Quiere dar a conocer al Consejo su opinión sobre alguno de estos temas? Puede inscribirse para hacer comentarios públicos y hablar directamente al Consejo sobre lo que le importa. Puede inscribirse aquí.

photo of Denver skyline with words this month at the DPS Board

Tonight, Denver Public Schools (DPS) announced its proposal to unify 10 elementary and middle schools due to declining enrollment in the district. DPS has been experiencing a decline in enrollment for years due to lower birth rates and other factors. In Colorado, schools are funded based on student enrollment so smaller schools receive less funding which impacts students and educators in a variety of ways. In 2022, the district convened a committee to create criteria to close and consolidate schools. 

According to information released by the district the following schools are being recommended for consolidation based on the criteria:

  • Columbian Elementary will unify with Trevista at Trevista 
  • Palmer Elementary will unify with Montclair School of Academics and Enrichment K-5 grades at Montclair and ECE at Palmer
  • Math Science Leadership Academy (MSLA) will unify with Valverde Elementary at Valverde
  • Schmitt Elementary will unify with Godsman Elementary at Godsman 
  • Eagleton Elementary will unify with Cowell Elementary at Cowell
  • Fairview Elementary and Colfax Elementary will unify with K-5 grades at Cheltenham and ECE at Colfax
  • International Academy of Denver at Harrington will unify with Columbine Elementary  and Swansea Elementary in a new enrollment zone with Columbine and Swansea
  • Denver Discovery School will unify with schools in the Greater Park Hill – Central Park Enrollment zone
  • Whittier K-8 will unify with schools in the Greater Five Points Elementary Enrollment Zone and the Near Northeast Middle School Enrollment Zone

This plan will be presented to the DPS Board of Education November 3rd and they will vote on it Thursday, November 17th. You can watch board meetings here. A public comment session is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 14. 

For Impacted Families:

If your school is on this list, we know this information is incredibly difficult to hear. The district has provided this family toolkit with more information about the process and timeline and your school leader will be a resource for you. Our team will share additional information and resources as we receive them. If we can support you please email me here. 

photo of Denver skyline with words this month at the DPS Board

Welcome to the April edition of “This Month at the DPS Board”, a monthly newsletter sharing information about the Denver Public Schools (DPS) Board of Education.   

Our goal is simple: to share what is happening at school board meetings so you can engage with the board and the district even if you cannot attend hours of meetings every month. 

Work Session – April 7 2022 

Sustainability Student Group 

Denver Public Schools high school students from the Sustainability Student group presented their work on climate action, that consequently moved the DPS board to put forth an ENDS statement around environmental sustainability within the district. The goal is to allow DPS become a “national leader in establishing an organizational culture anchored in sustainability, climate action, and environmental justice in both the conservation of natural resources and in minimizing the carbon footprint of DPS’ practices.”  

Declining Enrollment Updates 

Superintendent Marrero shared an update on declining enrollment in the district. He shared that the Declining Enrollment Committee is in the halfway point of their timeline. Superintendent Marrero mentioned that the rationale behind creating this committee is to make sure community engagement is in the forefront during this process when discussing how fewer students enrolling in DPS schools and projections indicating that there will be a continual decline will impact schools financially and how students are being served equitably.  

Superintendent Marrero addressed some concerns around about the process:  

  • No schools have been identified, and there is no current list of schools that is being considered. The committee will create the criteria that will identify schools. 
  • A significant reorganization is currently underway at the central office to address the reduction in funding available and continue to maximize the funding provided to schools. 

He then mentioned that the committee meetings are not open to the public because they are considered “work sessions” intended to be for committee members only.  Meeting recaps are posted in all consent decree languages on the webpage. Opportunities for public feedback will be shared after the committee drafts the guiding principles and criteria through surveys. 

The following timeline for the process was shared: 

  • By Spring 2022, the Declining Enrollment Advisory Committee creates criteria. 
  • By Fall-Winter 2022-2023, criteria will be applied to schools and schools will be identified for closure or consolidation. 
  • In the school year of 2023-2024, schools identified will begin to plan to close or consolidate, plans will be created to support staff and families impacted. 
  • By the end of the school year 23-24, closure and/or consolidations will move forward. For certain schools, there may be an accelerated timeline where closures and/or consolidations will move forward by the end of 2022-2023 school year. 

Discussion of Board Community Engagement 

The Board plans to distribute a survey to the community to gain input on what community engagement means so that the Board’s definition aligns with community under a policy.   

Discussion of Proposed GP15 

The Board discussed possible changes and/or reinforcements for public comment and board meetings. The draft with the policy they were revising can be found here. These changes will be discussed in the June School Board meeting.  

Discussion of the Vacancy Process 

The board then discussed the potential timeline to fill in the District 5 representative vacancy. To recap this topic, check out our newsletter on last month’s work session here.  The board went through possible timelines according to the amount of applicants. “Board members and the Superintendent shall not have any discussions, meetings, or electronic communication with applicants, potential applicants, or supporters of an applicant to uphold the integrity of the process.” The Board of Education will choose the candidate by a majority vote in a public meeting, not by an informal consensus process. The board discussed the background check process the appointee will have to go through. 

Finance and Audit Committee Meeting – April 11, 2022 

2020 Bond Update 

Staff provided an update on the 2020 bond passed by voters. Funds totaling $420 million were wired for the Capital Projects Fund to DPS fulfilling the 2020 Bond Authorization. 

IntegraReport Hotline Update 

A report was provided by auditors on the IntegraReport Hotline – an anonymous hotline for district employees and the public to report suspected fraud, waste or abuse of district assets, or fiscal misconduct. Reports are either investigated by internal audit or human resources. In fiscal year 2020-2021 there were 114 cases reported, 62 cases were valid and addressed, 25 were unsubstantiated, and 11 are still in process.  

Information Items for Board Meeting Consent Agenda: 

The following items were presented and approved to go on the consent agenda for the School Board meeting:  

Grants Report 

Staff shared information about grants that were received in February and March over $50,000. 

Purchasing Report 

Information related to contracts and projects that cost less than $1 million were shared with the committee.  

Focus on Achievement – April 18, 2022 

Executive Limitations 

The board first reviewed some language changes in the executive limitations currently adopted from the “superintendent should” to the “superintendent will not fail to”. Some of the Executive imitations that were pointed out were (EL 2) which talks about succession planning for the superintendent and making sure the decision is still up to the board, (El 3) engage community in the development of policy when appropriate and at his discretion, (EL 4) the board is responsible for their own compliance, (EL 10) Discipline and safety procedure to be revisited at board retreat.  

You can read all here.  

Reasonable Interpretations – Transition Priorities 

Superintendent Marrero shared his reasonable interpretations as linked to his transition priorities. There are five and discussed the first three. The first priority is around equity where they centered the conversation around BIPOC teacher retention. The second priority is around teaching and learning where they focused the conversation on learning disruptions because of COVID-19 and how to ensure the district takes steps to set students back on track. They also had a conversation about accountability and whether to use state assessments for this end. Superintendent Marrero closed  saying it is needed to create some sort of baseline and understand where students are at now. The third transition priority is around students and staff well-being.  

District Five Vacancy Interviews 

The Board set the dates for interviews when it comes to the District Five vacancy to June 2nd between 1-4 pm. They should be open to the public and will be listening to special public comment later that day. 

School Board Meeting – April 21, 2022 

Recognition of DPS Athletic Accomplishments  

Staff highlighted athletic achievements in DPS this school year. 7000 high school athletes participated in DPS athletics this year, which is more than have ever participated.  

Northfield Men’s Soccer was recognized for winning a 4A State Championship and East Men’s Ice Hockey was recognized for winning the 5A State Championship. Staff also highlighted women’s basketball and wrestling.  

Denver Scholarship Foundation Report 

Staff from the Denver Scholarship Foundation (DSF) shared a presentation about their work. The Denver Scholarship Foundation “inspires and empowers Denver Public Schools’ students to enroll in and graduate from postsecondary institutions of higher education, by providing the tools, knowledge, and financial resources essential for success.” 

Annually, DSF serves about 7,500 students. This year, DSF has awarded 1,869 scholarships and operates 14 Future Centers in high school campuses across the district where DSF staff supports high school students in creating post-graduation plans. Additionally, DSF partners with 30 higher education institutions to support scholarship recipients. Demographics of scholarship recipients include 66% female, 60% Hispanic/Latinx, and 16.5% Black students. 82% of scholarship recipients are persisting or have graduated higher education and since DSF’s inception, college enrollment has increased over 100%. 

Welton Street Café Proclamation 

Welton Street Café was recognized with a proclamation acknowledging the impact that Welton Street Cafe has had in the DPS community. Currently, Welton Street Café is raising funds to open a new location after closing its original location of 22 years. Anyone who is interested in supporting can find more information and donate here. 

Superintendent’s Report 

Superintendent Marrero gave a presentation related to District Central Office reorganization plans. Superintendent Marrero cited declining enrollment and feedback from staff and community as rationale for reorganizing the Central Office.  

Intended outcomes of Central Office reorganization include strengthening and tightening central support to ensure resources align to highest priorities and central staff functions are more tightly linked to Board of Education goals and policies. 

Superintendent Marrero previewed an approach to collaborative school structure by highlighting planned collaboration of four DPS schools, called “Collaborative Quads” to engage in shared learning and best practices around facilitating dual-language programs in DPS. The stated goal of the Collaborative Quads is “building communities of learning to drive improvement across our family of schools.” 

Staff outlined 2022-2023 district priorities as follows:  

  • Equity and Excellence 
  • Student Experience & Achievement 
  • Operational Effectiveness 

Finally, staff outlined a plan for central office reorganization structure which will include shifts in senior leadership and departments.  

You can view the presentation here.  

Climate Action  

Students presented a climate action statement, sharing their passion for expanding sustainability and climate-conscious policies and efforts in DPS. The board voted unanimously in support of the proposed revisions to their ENDS statements related to climate action. You can learn more here.  

Consent Agenda 

The board unanimously voted to approve the consent agenda.  

Public Comment  

Educators, parents, and other members of the DPS community delivered public comments about a variety of topics including feedback surrounding Executive Limitation 11 & 12, declining enrollment, and concerns around academic performance.  

Board Retreat April 21, 2022 

Completion of Reasonable Interpretations 

Before embarking on reasonably interpreting several policies, Superintendent Marrero mentioned that he would like to include partnering with the City of Denver to dismantle and revise persistent and enduring systems of oppression outside of our school system to a transition priority which is a policy anchored in equity. He briefly mentioned that this partnership will include the creation of community hubs that will provide services like social-emotional support, GED, citizenship, early literacy, and computer classes, academic tutoring, and basic needs assistance. The Board revisited interpretations for policies transition priorities (TP): Student and Staff Well-Being, Health and Safety, and post-graduation and global citizenship. The Boad then shared the monitoring report cadence to vote on END statements for each monthly board meeting.  

Community Engagement Planning  

Some board directors shared they have been working on a community engagement governance policy that aims “to ensure the DPS Board of Directors has a sustainable connection to the community” they serve “in alignment with district board policies.” The desired outcome for this specific policy is to have it be community led, proactive, and ensure all seven board members work together to find the best path for community engagement. This board policy is meant to be more focused on the long-term vision of the end statements by leveraging the expertise of the Family and Community Engagement (FACE) team and still preserving the ability to gather information on the ENDS statements as a Board. 

 Their proposed timeline to get this policy established is: 

  • May 2022- informal presentation 
  • June 2022- formal presentation with public comment and first read 
  • August 2022- second read and vote 

12-Month Agenda Planning 

The board talked through their upcoming meeting calendar, important dates that will fall within this year and about the timelines around the new executive limitations and their implementation (Els). As they think about community engagement as a part of the reviewal process of Els and TPs they are also thinking what those timelines look like in the calendar. They are hoping to vote on the reasonable interpretations presented by the superintendents during the May 5th work session.