We must ensure that efforts, fueled by misinformation, to omit teaching complete history and censure teachers do not happen in Colorado! As you may know, Colorado is updating our standards Social Studies and the State Board of Education is poised to vote on those updates.
The Committee updating the standards recommended to the State Board to remove any reference to gay, lesbian, and transgender people in standards for students under 4th grade. We need you to weigh in with the State Board!
Early elementary lessons might look like understanding that some children have a mom and a dad while others have two moms or that trucks aren’t just for boys and dolls aren’t just for girls or knowing that gay people fought for their civil rights like other groups.
When students have the opportunity to learn an accurate, fact-based account of U.S. history, it enables them to avoid repeating mistakes of the past, succeed in diverse workplaces and communities, and work toward creating a better and just society.
Schools need to be safe and supportive environments for ALL students! Tell the State Board not to erase the identify of the LGTBQ community and censor teachers!