Stand for Children Colorado advances educational equity and racial justice in Colorado through meaningful partnerships with families, educators, schools, and policy makers. One of the ways we uphold this work is through our annual Advocacy Fellowship.   

Stand for Children Colorado Advocacy Fellows are community leaders advocating for policy solutions towards racial justice and equity in education.  With the support of Stand staff, advocacy fellows will deep dive into issues affecting Colorado communities today, co-create solutions, democratize knowledge back to their communities, work to break down barriers to power and access decision makers, and, in the process, build long lasting relationships and invaluable skills. 

We are excited to introduce this year’s Fellows!  

Meet Lorelei

What are you most excited about in this year’s fellowship? 

I am excited to continue this fellowship because Stand is dedicated to change making for our students and communities. I am looking forward to making change through careful research, thoughtful advocacy, and strong partnerships in a state policy context. I loved working with families and the Stand for Colorado advocates in the past and am happy to continue that work. 

What is your favorite children’s book? 

I don’t have a favorite children’s book, but I did enjoy reading the Hungry Hungry Caterpillar to my nieces and nephews. My favorite book, however, is Mountains Beyond Mountains. 

What do you love most about Colorado? 

I love living in Colorado for the combination of city life and outdoor activities. I can go hiking or camping on the same weekend as exploring and experiencing nightlife in the city. 

Stand for Children Colorado advances educational equity and racial justice in Colorado through meaningful partnerships with families, educators, schools, and policy makers. One of the ways we uphold this work is through our annual Advocacy Fellowship.   

Stand for Children Colorado Advocacy Fellows are community leaders advocating for policy solutions towards racial justice and equity in education.  With the support of Stand staff, advocacy fellows will deep dive into issues affecting Colorado communities today, co-create solutions, democratize knowledge back to their communities, work to break down barriers to power and access decision makers, and, in the process, build long lasting relationships and invaluable skills. 

We are excited to introduce this year’s Fellows!  

Meet Theresa

What are you most excited about in this year’s fellowship? 

I am excited to collaborate with STAND fellows to advance educational initiatives that support all students and educators in Colorado by way of reviewing and/or testifying before legislative committees. 

What is your favorite children’s book? 

“Amazing Grace” by Mary Hoffmann 

What do you love most about Colorado? 

I love Colorado in the Fall with its color foliage, mountain views and beautiful weather.  

Stand for Children Colorado advances educational equity and racial justice in Colorado through meaningful partnerships with families, educators, schools, and policy makers. One of the ways we uphold this work is through our annual Advocacy Fellowship.   

Stand for Children Colorado Advocacy Fellows are community leaders advocating for policy solutions towards racial justice and equity in education.  With the support of Stand staff, advocacy fellows will deep dive into issues affecting Colorado communities today, co-create solutions, democratize knowledge back to their communities, work to break down barriers to power and access decision makers, and, in the process, build long lasting relationships and invaluable skills. 

We are excited to introduce this year’s Fellows!  

Meet Yaeel

What are you most excited about in this year’s fellowship? 

¿Qué es lo que más le emociona del programa de becas de este año?

Lo que mas me emociona de formar parte de stand Es el fellowship con mis compañeras quienes son personas bastante comprometidas, tienen una pasion por tracender lo habitual y van la milla extra eso para mi Es pasion por lo que hacen.  

What excites me the most about being part of Stand is the fellowship with my colleagues who are very committed people, they have a passion for transcending the usual and go the extra mile, that for me is to have passion for what they do.

What is your favorite children’s book? 

¿Cuál es su libro infantil favorito?

Mi libro infantil favorito se llama: La Abeja Haragana de Horacio Quiroja.  

My favorite children’s book is called: La Abeja Haragana by Horacio Quiroja.

What do you love most about Colorado?

 ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta de Colorado?

Lo que mas me gusta de Colorado Es su Naturaleza definitivamente. 

What I like most about Colorado is definitely its nature.

Stand for Children Colorado advances educational equity and racial justice in Colorado through meaningful partnerships with families, educators, schools, and policy makers. One of the ways we uphold this work is through our annual Advocacy Fellowship.   

Stand for Children Colorado Advocacy Fellows are community leaders advocating for policy solutions towards racial justice and equity in education.  With the support of Stand staff, advocacy fellows will deep dive into issues affecting Colorado communities today, co-create solutions, democratize knowledge back to their communities, work to break down barriers to power and access decision makers, and, in the process, build long lasting relationships and invaluable skills. 

We are excited to introduce this year’s Fellows!  

Meet Pamela

What are you most excited about in this year’s fellowship? 

I’m most excited about working with the dedicated team of people to make our schools and state more equitable.  

What is your favorite children’s book? 

Favorite children’s book is the Jolly Postman 

What do you love most about Colorado? 

What I love most about Colorado is the peace I find when I’m in the mountains. 

Stand for Children Colorado advances educational equity and racial justice in Colorado through meaningful partnerships with families, educators, schools, and policy makers. One of the ways we uphold this work is through our annual Advocacy Fellowship.   

Stand for Children Colorado Advocacy Fellows are community leaders advocating for policy solutions towards racial justice and equity in education.  With the support of Stand staff, advocacy fellows will deep dive into issues affecting Colorado communities today, co-create solutions, democratize knowledge back to their communities, work to break down barriers to power and access decision makers, and, in the process, build long lasting relationships and invaluable skills. 

We are excited to introduce this year’s Fellows!  

Meet Maybelline

What are you most excited about in this year’s fellowship? 

¿Qué es lo que más le emociona del programa de becas de este año?

Aprender sobre los proyectos de los cuales tiene en el programa y saber un poco más de la política y saber sobre los legisladores sobre todo saber cómo ayudar a mis hijos en sus tareas. 

Learn about the projects that the program contains and learn a little more about politics and know about the legislators, about everything, especially how to help my children with their homework.

What is your favorite children’s book? 

¿Cuál es su libro infantil favorito?

Me gusta mucho los libros de animales creo que aprendemos sobre la naturaleza de ellos. 

I really like animal books, I think we learn about nature through them.

What do you love most about Colorado?

 ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta de Colorado?

Las montañas y sobre todo el clima en el invierno. 

The mountains and, in particular, the weather in winter.

Stand for Children Colorado advances educational equity and racial justice in Colorado through meaningful partnerships with families, educators, schools, and policy makers. One of the ways we uphold this work is through our annual Advocacy Fellowship.   

Stand for Children Colorado Advocacy Fellows are community leaders advocating for policy solutions towards racial justice and equity in education.  With the support of Stand staff, advocacy fellows will deep dive into issues affecting Colorado communities today, co-create solutions, democratize knowledge back to their communities, work to break down barriers to power and access decision makers, and, in the process, build long lasting relationships and invaluable skills. 

We are excited to introduce this year’s Fellows!  

Meet Tina

What are you most excited about in this year’s fellowship? 

I am excited to learn, grow and implement change with my peers.  

What is your favorite children’s book? 

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein  

What do you love most about Colorado? 

I love the outdoors and the ability to travel within the state and always find a newfound destination.  

Stand for Children Colorado advances educational equity and racial justice in Colorado through meaningful partnerships with families, educators, schools, and policy makers. One of the ways we uphold this work is through our annual Advocacy Fellowship.   

Stand for Children Colorado Advocacy Fellows are community leaders advocating for policy solutions towards racial justice and equity in education.  With the support of Stand staff, advocacy fellows will deep dive into issues affecting Colorado communities today, co-create solutions, democratize knowledge back to their communities, work to break down barriers to power and access decision makers, and, in the process, build long lasting relationships and invaluable skills. 

We are excited to introduce this year’s Fellows!  

Meet Jesse

What are you most excited about in this year’s fellowship? 

I am excited to learn more about the legislative process and the bills we are supporting.  

What is your favorite children’s book? 

Anything by David Wiesner or Graeme Base. I love their illustrations and unique stories 

What do you love most about Colorado? 

I love that there is so much you can do for free. We have so much open space for parks, splash pads, visit the mountains or go hiking.  

Stand for Children Colorado advances educational equity and racial justice in Colorado through meaningful partnerships with families, educators, schools, and policy makers. One of the ways we uphold this work is through our annual Advocacy Fellowship.   

Stand for Children Colorado Advocacy Fellows are community leaders advocating for policy solutions towards racial justice and equity in education.  With the support of Stand staff, advocacy fellows will deep dive into issues affecting Colorado communities today, co-create solutions, democratize knowledge back to their communities, work to break down barriers to power and access decision makers, and, in the process, build long lasting relationships and invaluable skills. 

We are excited to introduce this year’s Fellows!  

Meet Lauren  

What are you most excited about in this year’s fellowship?  

I am excited about the opportunity to connect with other change agents willing to take the risks necessary to disrupt the status quo and build a more equitable future for all students.  

What is your favorite children’s book?  

Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall. 

What do you love most about Colorado?  

My favorite thing about Colorado is experiencing the beauty of our four distinct seasons.  

photo of Denver skyline with words this month at the DPS Board

Welcome to the October edition of “This Month at the DPS Board”, a monthly newsletter sharing information about the Denver Public Schools (DPS) Board of Education.    

Our goal is simple: to share what is happening at school board meetings so you can engage with the board and the district even if you cannot attend hours of meetings every month. 

Work Session – October 6, 2022 

Executive Session 

The board held an executive session, which is not open to the public, to discuss the evaluation of Superintendent, Dr. Alex Marrero, then resumed agenda items for the work session.  

Montbello Career Technical High School Recommendation for Closure 

DPS is recommending closure of Montbello Career Technical High School (MCT) by the end of 2022-2023 due to three main reasons: 

  • Legacy and Vista High Schools have the space to enroll students from MCT, as Montbello High School is opening,  
  • They will be adding a credit recovery and support program, and  
  • DPS is unable to continue offering a shared space for MCT and Smith STEAM due to a growth in student population at Smith STEAM with 78 in 2021-2022 to 135 in 2022-2023.   

In the presentation DPS staff also shared their plans for 13 staff members at MCT to receive transitional support such as retention stipends, HR support to help get hired elsewhere, and hiring preferences.  Board members felt concerned about the lack of student, staff, and family engagement that was presented in the recommendation. Board members also voiced their concerns about student well-being for both MCT and Smith STEAM students after a possible closure.  

Superintendent Evaluation 

The board voted on whether they would accept the Superintendent’s self-evaluation as a benchmark of the progress of ends statements. Vice-President Anderson was the only board member to vote against because he felt the process should have involved stakeholder feedback but didn’t. 

Finance and Audit Committee – October 10, 2022 

Financial Updates 

The committee heard an update of the district’s internal audit, purchasing report, and enrollment status. 

Budget and Contract Approvals  

The committee approved a variety of proposals, including a purchase order for early education and therapeutic supports for young children, additional funds to for temp agency contracts to fill staffing vacancies, a contract for an after-school program to operate at ten district schools, and funds for employee immigration counsel, and budgets related to construction projects.

Internal Audit 

The purpose of the audit is to determine that financial information that district is presenting to the public is “materially correct.” 

Temp Agency Contracts  

DPS is facing ongoing staffing challenges and while the district is working to recruit and hire staff to fill vacancies, in the meantime it is contracting with temp agencies to find qualified, licensed individuals to fill current vacancies to meet student needs. The district contracts with multiple agencies to meet the high need to fill vacant positions such as nurses, behavioral interventionists, special education teachers, etc.  

After-School Program, Right At School 

Right At School provides comprehensive after-school programming to schools that do not have any after-school programs or clubs and have a high percentage of students who qualify for free-and-reduced lunch. The program operates in three schools in the Southwest, four schools in the East, and three schools in the Far Northeast. 

Employee Visa Sponsorship Program  

The Visa Sponsorship Program, which provides the legal services of immigration attorneys to DPS staff, has been used for the last 10 years to alleviate some of the difficulties encountered with internal teacher shortages in the United States and Colorado specifically. Currently, there are about 250 DPS employees who participate in the visa sponsorship program. According to staff, employees in the program primarily serve in hard-to fill positions such as ELA-S and special education teachers and any position to fit bilingual needs.  

You can view the full agenda of proposals here

Progress Monitoring and Public Comment – October 17, 2022 

Climate Action Plan 

The policy (ENDS 1.6) reads as follows: “DPS should be a national leader in establishing an organizational culture anchored in sustainability, climate action and environmental justice both in the conservation in natural resources and minimizing the carbon footprint of DPS’ practices.” Staff presented a 5-year goal plan to ensure this policy is being implemented. 

Public Comment 

Community expressed their opinions on variety of topics through public testimony. You can sign up here for public comment and speak directly to the board about what matters to you. 

DPS Board Meeting – October 20, 2022 

Resolution Supporting Proposition FF 

The board shared a resolution in support of Proposition FF, which creates the Healthy School Meals for All program in Colorado. There are currently 68,000 kids in Colorado who cannot afford or qualify for free-and-reduced lunch. Meal programs improve attendance, result in better grades, and health for students. Proposition FF would destigmatize students from low income by giving access to healthy meals for every child. 

Disability and Dyslexia Awareness 

Staff from Exceptional Student Services shared data and information about dyslexia screening in the district. In spring of 2022, four schools participated in dyslexia screening. Out of 485 student 25% were identified as being delayed in phonological awareness. This school year five more schools are participating in screening students. School psychologists and social workers are being trained this month in the screening process and prepping for interventions. 

Career and College Success Month 

Staff presented the intent and impact of concurrent enrollment programming. Concurrent Enrollment programming ensures that over half of seniors graduate with college credits; 95% of these students earn a college degree. These programs focus on career development while learning about and learning through work experiences, such as internships. In DPS, the program serves diverse populations, multilingual students, students in special education, and gifted students. 

DPS Leadership Recommendation on Montbello Career and Technical High School (MCT) 

Superintendent Dr. Marrero made a recommendation not to close MCT after visiting the school and hearing stories from staff, students and community. Each board member accepted the recommendation and voted to postpone the motion indefinitely. 

Ends Policy 1.4 (Safety and Health) Discussion 

The board adopted policy governance model in November 2021. Under policy governance, the board is responsible for reviewing and updating board policies. The board reviewed and discussed updates in policy 1.4 regarding safety and health. It was adopted in November 2021 and specifically addresses COVID related challenges. Board members discussed gun violence and discipline, calling attention to being mindful of policy language to specifically address the impact on children of color. District staff called attention to executive limitation 10 which is around school discipline and school policing. Mental health and other illnesses were also considered during the discussion. The board discussed the possibility of combining 1.4 and 1.3, which is about wellbeing. Finally, the board discussed its partnership with the Denver Police Department (DPD), health agencies and non-profits to collaborate with and inform families of available services. 


Do you want to let the board know your thoughts on any of these topics? You can sign up for public comment and speak directly to the board about what matters to you. You can sign up here


This week, DPS announced its proposal to unify 10 elementary and middle schools due to declining enrollment in the district. DPS has been experiencing a decline in enrollment for years due to lower birth rates and other factors. In Colorado, schools are funded based on student enrollment so smaller schools receive less funding which impacts students and educators in a variety of ways. In 2022, the district convened a committee to create criteria to close and consolidate schools.   

According to information released by the district, ten schools are being recommended for consolidation based on the criteria. This plan will be presented to the DPS Board of Education on November 3 and they will vote on it on Thursday, November 17. You can watch board meetings here. A public comment session is scheduled for Monday, November 14. 

For Impacted Families 

If your school is on this list, we know this information is incredibly difficult to hear. The district has provided this family toolkit with more information about the process and timeline and your school leader will be a resource for you. Our team will share additional information and resources as we receive them. If we can support you please email me here. 


Bienvenidos a la edición de octubre de “Este mes en la junta directiva de DPS”, un boletín informativo mensual que comparte información acerca de la junta directiva de educación de las escuelas públicas de Denver (DPS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Nuestra meta es simple: compartir lo que está sucediendo en las reuniones de las juntas directivas escolares para que usted pueda participar con la junta y el distrito aun si usted no puede asistir a horas de reuniones cada mes.

Sesión de trabajo – 6 de octubre de 2022

Sesión ejecutiva

la junta directiva sostuvo una sesión ejecutiva, el cual no está abierta al público, para discutir la evaluación del superintendente, Dr. Alex Marrero, y luego resumió los temas de la agenda para la sesión del trabajo.

Recomendación de clausura de la preparatoria de carreras técnicas de Montbello

El DPS está recomendando la clausura de la preparatoria de carreras técnicas de Montbello (MCT) para finales del año 2022-2023 debido a tres razones principales:

  • Las preparatorias Legacy y Vista tienen el espacio para enrolar a los alumnos provenientes del MCT, ya que la preparatoria de Montbello está abriendo,
  • Ellos van a estar agregando un programa recuperación de créditos y apoyo y
  • DPS no puede continuar ofreciendo un espacio compartido para la MCT y el Smith STEAM debido al crecimiento en la población de alumnos en el Smith STEAM de 78 en el 2021-2022 a 135 en el 2022-2023.

En la presentación, el personal del DPS también compartió sus planes para 13 miembros del personal del MCT para recibir un apoyo transicional tales como suelos de retención, apoyo de recursos humanos para ayudarles a que sean contratados en otros lugares y el tener preferencia para ser contratados. Los miembros de la junta directiva se sintieron preocupados acerca de la falta de alumnos, personal y participación familiar que fue presentada en la recomendación. Los miembros de la junta directiva también mostraron su preocupación acerca del bienestar de los alumnos de ambos, el MCT y Smith STEAM, después de la posible clausura.

Evaluación del superintendente

La junta directiva votó si iban a aceptar la autoevaluación del superintendente como una referencia de progreso en los resultados. El vicepresidente Anderson fue el único miembro de la junta directiva que votó en contra porque él sintió que el proceso debió haber involucrado las aportaciones de las partes interesadas, sin embargo, no fue así.

Comité de finanzas y auditoría – 10 de octubre de 2022

Auditoría interna

El propósito de la auditoría es para determinar que la información financiera que el distrito está presentando al público sea “materialmente correcta.”

Contratos con agencias temporales

DPS está enfrentando retos continuos en cuanto al personal y mientras que el distrito está trabajando para reclutar y contratar al personal para llenar las vacantes, por el momento está contratando agencias temporales para encontrar a individuos calificados y con licencia para llenar las vacantes actuales y así poder llenar las necesidades de los alumnos. El distrito contrata a múltiples agencias para llenar las grandes necesidades de llenar las posiciones vacantes tales como enfermeras, intervencionistas del comportamiento, maestros para educación especial, etc.

Programas para después de la escuela, Right At School

Right At School provee una programación comprensiva para después de la escuela para escuelas que no tienen ningún programa o clubes para después de la escuela y que tengan un alto porcentaje de alumnos que califican para almuerzos gratis o a precio reducido. El programa opera en tres escuelas en el suroeste, cuatro escuelas en el este y tres escuelas en el noreste.

Programa de patrocinio para visas de empleado

El programa de patrocinio para visas, el cual provee los servicios legales de abogados de inmigración para el personal de DPS, ha sido utilizado por los últimos 10 años para aliviar algunas de las dificultades que se está enfrentando debido a la escasez de maestros internos en los Estados Unidos y en Colorado específicamente. Actualmente, hay alrededor de 250 empleados del DPS que participan en el programa de patrocinio de visas. De acuerdo al personal, los empleados en el programa sirven principalmente en posiciones que son difíciles de llenar tales como maestros de educación especial y ELA-S y cualquier posición para llenar necesidades bilingües.

Usted puede ver la agenda completa de propuestas aquí.

Monitoreo del progreso y comentarios públicos -17 de octubre de 2022

Plan de acción climática

La política (ENDS 1.6) dice lo siguiente: “DPS deberá de ser un líder nacional en establecer una cultura organizacional que esté anclada en la sustentabilidad, acción climática y justicia ambiental ambos en la conservación de recursos naturales y en la minimización en la huella de carbono de las prácticas de DPS.” El personal presentó un plan con una meta de cinco años para garantizar que esta política este siendo implementada.

Comentario público

La comunidad expresó sus opiniones en una variedad de temas durante el testimonio público. Usted se puede apuntar aquí para poder participar de comentarios públicos y hablar directamente con la junta directiva acerca de lo que le importa a usted.

Reunión de la junta directiva de DPS – 20 de octubre de 2022

Actualmente, hay 68,000 niños en Colorado quienes no pueden comparar o calificar para alimentos gratis o a precio reducido. Los programas de alimentos mejoran la asistencia, resultando mejores calificaciones y salud para los alumnos. La proposición FF quita el estigma de los alumnos de bajos recursos por medio de darles acceso a alimentos saludables para cada niño.

Conciencia sobre las discapacidades y dislexia

El personal de los servicios excepcionales para alumnos compartió datos e información acerca de las evaluaciones de dislexia en el distrito. En la primavera de 2022, cuatro escuelas participaron en las evaluaciones de dislexia. De 485 alumnos el 25% fueron identificados en tener un retraso en el reconocimiento fonológico. En este año escolar, cinco escuelas más están participando en la evaluación de alumnos. Los psicólogos escolares y trabajadores sociales están siendo entrenados este mes en el proceso de evaluación y se están preparando para intervenciones.

Mes de las carreras y éxito universitario

el personal presentó la intención y el impacto de la programación de enrolamiento concurrente. La programación de enrolamiento concurrente garantiza que más de la mitad de los graduandos lo hagan con créditos de la universidad; el 95% de estos alumnos obtienen un título universitario. Estos programas se enfocan en el desarrollo de sus carreras mientras aprenden acerca y por medio de las experiencias laborales, tales como las prácticas. En el DPS, el programa sirve a poblaciones diversas, alumnos plurilingües, alumnos en educación especial y alumnos superdotados.

La recomendación del liderazgo de DPS en cuanto a la preparatoria técnica y de carreras de Montbello (MCT)

El superintendente, Dr. Marrero, hizo recomendación de no cerrar el MCT después de haber visitado a la escuela y el escuchar historias por parte del personal, alumnos y comunidad. Cada miembro de la junta directiva aceptó la recomendación y votó en posponer la moción indefinidamente.

Discusión sobre la política de resultados 1.4 (seguridad y salud)

la junta directiva adoptó un modelo de gobernanza en noviembre de 2021. Bajo esta política de gobernanza, la junta directiva es responsable de revisar y actualizar las políticas de la junta directiva. La junta directiva revisó y discutió las actualizaciones en la política 1.4 con referencia a la seguridad y salud. Esto fue adoptado en noviembre del 2021 y específicamente se refiere a los retos relacionados con el COVID. Los miembros de la junta directiva discutieron la violencia con el uso de armas de fuego y disciplina, llamando la atención al tener conciencia en el lenguaje de la política para abordar específicamente el impacto en niños de color. El personal del distrito llamó la atención a la limitación ejecutiva 10 el cual se enfoca alrededor de la disciplina escolar y la vigilancia policial escolar. La salud mental y otras enfermedades también fueron consideradas durante la discusión. La junta directiva discutió la posibilidad de combinar 1.4 y 1.3, el cual se refiere al bienestar. Finalmente, la junta directiva discutió su sociedad con el departamento de policía de Denver (DPD, por sus siglas en inglés), agencias de salud y organizaciones sin fines de lucro para poder colaborar con ellos e informarles a las familias de los servicios disponibles.


¿Quiere que la junta directiva sepa sus pensamientos en cualquiera de estos temas? Usted se puede apuntar para proveer comentarios públicos y hablar directamente con la junta directiva acerca de lo que le importa a usted. Usted se puede apuntar aquí.


Esta semana, DPS anunció su propuesta de unificar a días escuelas primarias y secundarias debido al decline de enrolamientos en el distrito. DPS ha estado experimentando un decline en enrolamiento por años debido a rangos bajos de nacimientos y otros factores. En Colorado, las escuelas son financiadas basadas en el enrolamiento de alumnos así que las escuelas más pequeñas reciben menos financiamiento el cual impacta a los alumnos y maestros en una variedad de maneras. En el 2022, el distrito creo un comité para crear requisitos para cerrar y consolidar escuelas.

De acuerdo a la información provista por el distrito, 10 escuelas están siendo recomendadas para ser consolidadas basados en estos requisitos. El plan será presentado en la junta directiva de educación de DPS el 3 de noviembre y ellos votarán sobre el mismo el jueves 17 de noviembre. Usted puede ver las reuniones de la junta directiva aquí. Una sesión para comentarios públicos está calendarizada para el lunes 14 de noviembre.

Para familias impactadas

Si su escuela está en esta lista, nosotros reconocemos que esta información es increíblemente difícil de escuchar. El distrito ha provisto este kit de herramientas para la familia, con información acerca del proceso y cronograma y el líder de su escuela también puede ser un recurso para usted. Nuestro equipo compartirá información adicional y recursos conforme los estamos recibiendo. Si nosotros podemos apoyarle por favor mándenos un correo electrónico aquí.

[This photo is from a Stand community conversation in 2019]

Stand community organizers, Vallerie, Ivana, and Natalie, hosted a community conversation with 20 Denver parents, educators, students, and community members to discuss Denver Public Schools (DPS) new strategic plan, DPS Thrives.  

Our team shared an overview of the plan, which the district is describing as a roadmap, including the mission, vision, and focus areas which include student, adult, and system experience. The actions outlined in the plan are described as being grounded in the following priorities: equity, accelerating learning, and transformative social emotional and academic learning. In a letter introducing the strategic roadmap, Dr. Marrero states: 

In this strategic roadmap, we envision a new DPS experience. An experience that centers our students, with an intentional commitment to our marginalized students, while also elevating the experience of our adults. One that recognizes the role of systems in creating equity in education and justice in society. One that will turn our vision that Every Learner Thrives into a reality. 

Participants engaged in a discussion sharing their experiences, concerns, and hopes for DPS. Multiple participants expressed a desire to strengthen family school partnerships and encourage families to engage in their schools and in the district. Some of the concerns expressed were about seeing a lack of focus on literacy improvement plans and feeling like there was lack of detail in the action steps outlined in the roadmap. Participants also connected with the plan by reiterating the need to support increased teacher pay and improving teacher diversity. Our team will use what we heard to identify opportunities to engage with the district.  

If you want to learn more about DPS Thrives, you can read the full plan here, view DPS’s summary and video launching the plan here, or read Chalkbeat’s coverage here

At Stand, we support families, educators, and community members to engage with the district by sharing their experiences, concerns and hopes through public comment at DPS Board meetings. You can sign up to deliver testimony at the Board’s Public Comment and Progress Monitoring meeting here. If you would like someone from our team to reach out to you to share more information, tell us here.  

Interested in staying up to date on the DPS School Borad? Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter, This Month At the Board, here